Thursday, April 28, 2011

Southern Women Can Cook!!!

I am in Mt. Enterpise, TX this week at camp meeting.  Southern women can cook!!  I've had BBQ briskett, hamburgers, Sub sandwiches, fried okra, fried squash, and more!  You should see the dessert table!  Every year one lady makes these stuffed strawberries, they are stuffed with I think mascarpone cheese and mini chocolate chips, I've had some type butterfinger dessert, today I had turtle cheesecake and a mint oreo truffle.  Last night I had a cookie that was two vanilla wafers stuffed with marshmallow creme and peanut butter.  I promise I don't come just for the food because the preaching has been great too! 
Have a great week ya'll!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Interview with Carley King about upcoming Cake Show

Hello everybody! (I started to say hey ya'll, but thought that might give away my Texas roots!) Saturday is the North Texas Cake Show in The Colony, TX. I'm at Camp Meeting this week in Mt. Enterprise, TX and I will get back on Friday.
I asked Carley King, the lady in charge of the cake show, some questrions to give ya'll an idea of what to expect.

Tell me a little about yourself.

I have been decorating cakes for almost 10 years – sort of. For the first five years I made my nephew’s birthday cake and after a few years I got hooked. Now I mostly make cakes for all my friends kids birthday’s and celebrations. It is such a great feeling when you bring the cake to a party and the birthday kid runs up to you so excited to see their cake. They remember their cakes for years and I remember their sweet faces.

Three years ago I met some great people at an ICES day of sharing and learned about Sugar Wonders and have been a member since. Last year I founded the Dallas Cake Club, I am currently the Show Director for the North Texas Cake and Sugar Art Show and I am running for Texas ICES State Representative. You could say that cake is definitely part of my life.

Tell me about your cake club?

Sugar Wonders Cake Club is a monthly club where cake decorators from all backgrounds get together and share ideas and learn new techniques. Our monthly meetings are held the third Thursday each month from 7pm – 9pm at Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church in Allen, TX.

What is the name of the cake show, and how many years have ya'll been hosting it?

Sugar Wonders Cake Club has held a cake show every other year for the past 10 years. This is the first year under the name North Texas Cake and Sugar Art Show. Each year the show grows and attracts more people which is very exciting.

What is the location, dates and times of the show?

The North Texas Cake and Sugar Art Show is April 30 – May 1 from 10am-6pm Saturday and 10am-5pm Sunday at the Cascades Event Center in the Colony – off Spring Creek and 121.

What events are planned?
We have demos planned both days of the show and the listing of them can be found on . Michelle Bommarito is going to be there all weekend judging and will be doing a two hour demo on Sunday that you don’t want to miss. We also have amazing vendors from across the country, get ready to go shopping!

What is the cost of the show, and does it include the demo?

Admission is $5 for a one day pass or $8 for a two day pass and includes viewing of all the competition cakes, shopping at our amazing vendors and all of the demonstrations. It is a great deal!

If you are entering a cake into the competition admission is included in your registration. Children 16 and under are free.

How many people do ya'll expect to participate?

Our original goal was 125 participants and we have well exceeded that – we now have over 150 people entered. We are so excited and the enthusiasm people have for the show.

Do you have any hints or tips you would like to share about entering a cake into the show?

Enjoy yourself – seriously! Competitions can be stressful and I think people forget that this is a great time to try a new technique, meet some new people and just enjoy the cake world.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

The show is for all cake enthusiasts and for bakers of all ages. If you love watching cake decorating shows on TV, if you are interested in getting involved in cake decorating or if you are a seasoned pro, the show will have something for everyone.
Wow, Carley, thank you for all the information!  I'm going to be tired this week, but am very excited!!  I am almost finished with cake, but I still have a bit to do after I get back in town on Friday.  It's gonna be a late night!  I hope to see everyone there!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Free over the shoulder apron patterns

I have a friend, Jane Coley.  She is a missionary to Africa, you can follow her blog here:
She asked me for some free apron patterns that the straps go over the shoulders instead of the neck.  I figured while I was at it some of my other friends might like some also, so I figured I would share my findings with everyone!  Let me know if ya'll make any of these aprons, I would love to see it!

Smock Finished

still dottie free smock apron tutorial and pattern

These are not easy patterns to find.  I hope at least one of them will do the trick of what you are looking for!
I can't wait to find the time to make some of the patterns myself!  Just remember that you don't have to buy new material to make an apron, you can use old bath or dish towels, tablecloths, some curtains, even old clothes.  Use your imagination!
Happy Sewing!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The best stuff for your hands

I thought I would veer off baking for a second here.  I'm a fanatic about washing my hands before baking, after baking, before and after cleaning, etc.,  so my hands get pretty dry and lotions do not help at all.  I can't remember the exact proportions, but just kind of eyeball this.  You mix olive oil (I always use extra virgin olive oil), honey and salt.  Sea salt works best.  Say about 2 TB of the liquid and 1/2 TB of the salt.  Mix it all together then rub on your hands, cuticles and fingernails.  The salt provides a scrubbing action.  Rub it all over for a couple of minutes - getting it all soaked it in.  Then rinse the salt off.  Your hands will still feel a tad greasy from the olive oil, but that's good.  Just rub it in.  If you have left over, just put a lid on the jar or bowl and stir with your finger before using it next time!  It lasts forever because of the salt.  All three of these ingredients have great natural healing properties that are great for your skin.  The best part is you won't have to worry about getting nasty lotion on any of your baking stuff!  Go ahead and pamper your hands, they work hard and deserve it!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Making More Fun Characters with Gumpaste DVD


I love penguins.  I have collected penguins for over 20 years.  BUT I have never made a penguin themed cake!  I always make cakes that other people request and then I'm too worn out to make a cake "just because".  A lady I met at the OK Cake Show won two of these videos and she was kind enough to give me one!  YEAH, now I HAVE to make myself a penguin cake!  This DVD is called "Making More Fun Characters With Gumpaste - Arctic Friends" with Kaye Unisa-Hartman.  I tried to find more info on Kaye on the internet but I could not find anything.  The DVD had great instructions on it and she makes it look so easy!  The only thing I did not like about it is that she does all of the modelling, but a man does all of the talking.  You only see her hands doing the work, I just don't feel like it is very personable - however the directions are very easy to follow.  This is a great video for learning how to make Arctic Friends.  You can find the video here:  I also was given the teapot video, I'll have to make those next month though because I am practicing making penguins today!!  I made one yesterday but my fondant was too soft and he has a huge bottom from the drooping!!  Tylose powder will fix the problem, but I don't have any or a cake supply store close enough to buy some from.  I do have a gumpaste mix, so I will mix my black fondant with some gum paste to help firm up my penguins.  I don't like the site where you order the videos from because 1.  the videos are $50!!!! and 2. they sell "naughty" cake toppers.  I am sure you can find the videos on ebay or amazon though at an affordable price.
Wow, do you realize I have done a post everyday this week?  That's unusual for me!  LOL
Today is also my first date anniversary with my husband.  17 years today, it's easy to remember because it is tax day.  I'll have to tell you that story sometime! 
Have a great weekend ya'll, I'm going shopping at Antique Alley tomorrow in Cleburne, TX.  Miles and miles of yard sales!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Apron Pattern!

Isn't this just the cutest apron you have ever seen?  Remember the laptop bag I had made here: ?  Bobbi had sent me two patterns to review and here is the other pattern - an apron!!  I love this apron, it is so fun anf flirty.  I didn't have enough flannel for the tie though - I had used two old baby blankets I had picked up from somewhere.  The blue flannel with this apron was perfect and I saved money by not having to buy the flannel!!  I also did not take the time to make the scalloped edge and just ruffled it instead.  The apron is supposed to look like this: 
  This is Bobbi's apron, isn't it adorable? I borrowed the picture from her website to show you what it is supposed to look like, I have a hard time sticking to apron patterns!  LOL  She used a ribbon for her tie, and I really like it!
I also forgot to add two pieces of fabric onto the skirt of the fabric, thankfully the apron is wide enough you don't notice!  LOL  Next time I will take the time to make the scalloped edge though because it is so cute!  If you want to buy the pattern, you can buy it here:   Don't forget to stop in at her blog here:  .
Now comes the hard part, making myself sell this apron instead of keeping it for myself!!  LOL

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cake dummies

I am entering  my first ever cake in a cake show!  I am very nervous about it.  I will be entering the North TX Cake Show, here is the info:
North Texas Cake and Sugar Art Show 2011
April 30 - May 1, 2011
10am to 5pm daily
Cascades Event Center
5909 Stone Creek Drive
The Colony, TX 75056
The North Texas Cake and Sugar Art Show will be featuring Michelle Bommarito, well known cake and sugar artist. Come meet Michelle - she will be judging and doing demos over the weekend.
For more information go here:
I have never done anything with a cake dummie before and found some god videos on youtube by Lorraine Mckay.

I hope these videos help you as much as I think they will help me.  Will anyone else be at the cake show?  I will be at a camp meeting all week and get back on Fri. and go to the show on Sat.!  My goal is to have the cake completely finished before I leave for camp meeting.

I now have 27 followers on my blog!  When I reach 50 I will do a giveaway so tell your friends about my blog please!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

His Eye is on the Sparrow food

My friend Siouxsie is a professional photographer, and she gave me some pictures she took at the shower.  I thought I would share better pictures of my cake with you!  I also have pictures of the food!
Most of the food had a bird theme.  We had chicken salad and egg salad sandwiches.  My friend Marie made boiled eggs (which was a hit with the kids), then I took a trifle bowl and put it in the middle of a grapevine wreath and borrowed a fake bird from my neighbor's daughter to put on the edge of the "nest".
We had a parfait bar set up with homemade yogurt, granola(bird food), carob chips and berries.  We also had a tropical punch, a vegetable tray, fruit tray, meringue cookies and lemon meringue cupcakes.
I made food tags so everyone would know what the food is without having to ask.

For directions on how to make the cake go here:

Here is a picture of our mothers to be, Lauren and her mother holding their respective children are on the left.  Skye and her mother in law are on the right.  Skye had her baby on Tues. last week, a little girl named Avi Kye.  Lauren is due at the end of June.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!  I have a special blessing coming up for ya'll!  As soon as I can figure out how to download something on youtube I will post Miss Debra singing "His Eye is on the Sparrow".  She has a wonderful gift from God who has blessed her with a wonderful voice that she uses to praise God with.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Watermelon Punch

I did it again!  I hosted a baby shower on Saturday and left my camera at home!  I'll post pics as soon as my friends email me the pictures though!  Meanwhile let me tell you about the punch.  I wanted something cool and refreshing and easy to make.  I found several different versions and changed it to suit my taste, for ex: no way was I going to take the time to squeeze 15 limes when I had a cake to decorate!  LOL

Watermelon Punch
1Big Watermelon
8 oz lime juice
2 bottles sparkling white grape juice
Handful of mint

A seedless watermelon works best, unless you have the time to seed the watermelon.  Put into the blender with half a handful to a whole handful of dried spearmint.  Add a whole bottle of 8 oz. lime juice.  Put fresh mint leaves in the punch.  Put in freezer for at least 2-3 hours to make it slushy.  Don't leave it in the freezer too long or it will freeze solid!  When you are ready to serve, add two bottles of chilled sparkling white grape juice.   Just be careful with the bottles.  They had plastic corks that my friend had to remove for me.  After I poured the bottle in, I was pushing the cork back in to throw it away and the inside of the base of my finger got caught in between the cork and the bottle.  I could not get it off!  So here I am in front of a room of ladies squealing and crying :"get it off!  get it off!"  Ebbye couldn't get it off, but Praise the Lord, Clarrisa's husband had not left yet, and he "just happened" to be in the kitchen at that precise momnet and was able to pull the cork off the bottle!  Wow did that hurt!  And then I still needed to host the baby shower!  LOL  Luckily the ladies I did not know had not arrived yet and my embarresment was only in front of my friends who are quite used to me hurting my self in weird ways!  :)
Okay, back to the punch!  I would reccomend only serving half the punch at a time in order to keep it cold.  I think I might try adding some pureed strawberries to it next time!  YUM!
Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lap Top Bag

Bobbi from A Vision to Remember , asked me to review a pattern for her.  She sent me the pattern for a diaper bag here: .  Since I did not need a diaper bag, but did need a laptop bag, and my laptop was the exact same size of the diaper bag, I was pretty excited!!  God knows how to provide, laptop bags are at least $65 and when I got this pattern it was the perfect solution!   All I needed to do to convert the pattern is add a middle section to keep my laptop from flapping around and some batting on the lap top sides (I used a fleece baby blanket for this).
Here is the side of the bag with a nice big pocket, there are also two inside side pockets, and four big inside pockets.  Perfect for holding my mouse and laptop chord (or baby stuff for a baby).  I'm thinking of making me a matching purse too! 
I had to lay out the pattern pieces on the floor, and my cats were very happy to help me!  Here is the making of my bag in pictures!

My kittens were a big help!
After laying out all of the flannel pieces I had to lay out all of the cotton pieces.  It was a lot of cutting and I cannot imagine writing out the pattern for it as Bobbi did, but it was worth it!
If you want to make your own bag, you can either purchase the pattern from her Etsy Shop, or even buy an already completed bag.  Be sure to check out her Etsy Shop for all of the neat stuff she has there!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Shower?

Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately, I have several things to post, but I haven't had time.  I have another shower for another good friend this Saturday that I am helping to host also.  I have four aprons to make for this shower and of course I am doing the cake too!  I can't wait to show ya'll the aprons!  I will be doing my first chocolate transfer on a cheesecake for this shower instead of my usual cake. 
Have a great day ya'll!