Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sewing Tool Caddy

I really needed a sewing tool caddy to take with me to the TOGA.  I was browsing pinterest to find a bag that would work, when I got an email saying I had won a bag pattern from a giveaway I had entered at Sewcal Gal. The pattern was from Lily Patch Quilts, and it was perfect!  I had won a gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop from Count It All Joy and bought this fabric with it which is perfect for a sewing tool caddy!
Front pockets for small rulers
I  love all of the pockets in it.
I added the top pockets, they were leftover from the front pockets and are perfect for little things.

A place for everything!

inside side pockets
Nice, deep pockets for thread and bobbins

my manicure for Easter, LOL

Outside side pocket for cell phone and the other side for my camera.

pocket for my 12 1/2 inch ruler.
I'm very happy with it!  I used batting in the inside and the heaviest fusible web I could find on the outside.  I keep it on my sewing table with the handles pushed inside, for storage.
You can buy the pattern here:  http://www.etsy.com/shop/lilypatchquiltsshop , her's is really cute with a bow on top.  I did not add that because I wanted to showcase my material!  You can buy the bag on Craftsy here:  https://www.craftsy.com/profile/lily-patch-quilts
Do you like making bags?

Monday, April 29, 2013

April Finishes

After months of hard work we finally finished Skye's prayer quilt.  We did the great granny square with two wide borders.  Joeann embroidered bible references and names on the inner border.  Several of us each made a square.   We hand quilted the middle section as a group. I took it to church last Sunday to work on and even Skye stopped to work on her own quilt!
 I machine quilted the borders and binding so we could get it done.  I stippled (my version anyways) the inner border around the verses and names.

The outer border was just straight lines and the corners were small squares where the lines intersected.  I used khaki on the inner border and navy blue on the outer border.
The label faded a little after the washing, anyone know of a way to keep that from happening?  I had put it through my printer.

(I just really liked this picture with my shoe sticking out.  LOL)
I had Miss Debra model the quilt here.  :)
Of course Muffin had to sit on it after I pulled it out of the dryer.
I am just so glad it is finally finished!  We had a lot of good fellowship while we worked on this quilt and had a lot of prayer time praying for Skye as we quilted it for her.
A summary of my finishes for this month.  I did get a great granny square quilt quilted, I just swapped them out.  I did finish getting all of my strips for my scrappy trip around the world sewn together and sewn into tubes, ready for the next step.  I finished several more blocks also.
I also finished my sewing tool caddy!  I'll share more pictures about that tomorrow!
So, I met all of my goals for this month, yeah!
Have a great day, Missy

A Lovely Year of Finishes
Manic Mondays at Serendipity and Spice

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feline Friday

Yes, my Pippi loves the toilet paper rolls, in fact I always leave the roll of toilet paper on the sink for this very reason.  I had a friend come over and she automatically put the roll on the thingie and I did not notice until after Pippi unrolled it!  So if you ever come to my house and there is a pile of tp in the bucket on the back of the toilet it is because I do not want to waste it!  LOL  Here she is at the end of her mischievousness  notice how she makes sure it is all off?

I am posting this early because Sarah had to have her linky party today instead of tomorrow.
At the end of the video are some other videos I had posted on yout tube, one of hand quilting, and a couple of my husband playing wither his cello or bass at church.
Have a great day ya'll!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Okay I need to share more of my pictures from the TOGA (Treadle-on Gathering Academy) from the North East TX TOGA.  It is every year in April, so if you like people powered sewing machines, be sure to come!
Here was the raffle quilt, a beautiful String Quilt, I have to make one now!  I was saving scraps for a rag quilt, but I'm going to use them for this instead!  Isn't it gorgeous?
Here's another string quilt.  Same pattern but different colors.

String Blocks for another quilt
Lot's of people were working on string blocks, there are so many different ways to make them!  Some people used Kraft paper (deli paper) from Costco, some telephone pages and some newspaper, of course they are torn off after sewn.  Others sew it onto muslin squares.
Just trim them up when you are done!

I love these, a solid on one side and strings on the other side.  These were quilt as you go.

This pattern is called Scrap Tease.  I love her Sunbonnet babies!

She hand appliqued them.

I'm not sure who made all of the quilts, but here are some more quilts that were shared.
This was from a block exchange.  Don't you love that material with  a treadle on it?

Julia making her wonky nine patch, unfortunately my camera had died and I did not get a picture of her quilt.

What if nine patch blocks

Here are a couple of ironing stations.
 Don't you love these organizers?
This is a cute thread catcher.
I hope you got some inspiration from these quilts!
Oh, did I mention they were all made on either a handcrank, treadle or feather weight?
Just goes to show you that if you have a vintage machine, don't throw it away, get it out and use it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday

 I have been working on my Scrappy Trip around the world blocks!  I'm finishing them up on my treadle!  I've had my treadle for a year and could not get the rhythm down(I have two left feet), so at the TOGA I asked a lady to please help, after about 15 minutes of instruction from her I can do it no problems!  Wow is it fun, and it can go fast too!  I'm learning how to control my speed between fast and slow and stop!  It just takes practice.  Can you see all of my chain stitching behind the pedal?  I have to keep my pin cushion in the drawer or my kitties will pull the pins out and I am terrified of them swallowing one, so it's easier just to pull out the drawer while I'm sewing.
Here I am at the TOGA learning how to sew.
Muffin loves My Scrappy Trip Around the World blocks!  Here they are all sewn into tubes.
 I actually cleaned off my sewing table, so maybe ya'll won't think it is always a mess on there!
The strips were waiting to be sewn into tubes, and Muffin followed the tray as I moved it through the day.  

He thinks it is a new cat bed for him.
I got this basket when I went to the Treadle on gathering academy  (TOGA) and it is the perfect size for keeping my completed blocks in.
I've made 16 more bowtie blocks.  I've decide this quilt will be twin size, perfect for taking along on quilt retreats and  camp meetings when I need my own quilt.
 I'm also hoping I'll have enough room in my new sewing room for a daybed to use for guests.
I forgot to take a picture of my finished Scrappy Trip Around the world blocks, I'll have to post that later.

What are you working on?