Friday, May 31, 2013

Feline Friday and Quilt updates

Hello everybody!  It seems like the more I quilt the less blogging I do!  Actually what hold me up is having to edit every single picture, that gets irritating after a while.
I have new block to add to my quilt, it's a barn with quilt block in the barn door and a silo next to it!  I am going to make these for every other block, and since I need 12 blocks and have made 7 of the other, I have one extra block now!  I'll either make it a pillow or put it on the back, I'll have to decide which one.
I fixed the part around the windows on the upper left barn and added my sashing, I also added the borders and sashing on my first block which is the lower one with the French chickens.  I now have eight completed barn blocks!

I had to put this cat in the barn window, she is eating the cat nip seeds stored there!  Don't you love this chicken material?  A friend at the quilt retreat gave it to me and I have enough for one barn and hopefully to add to a quilt block in another barn.  Another friend gave me the cat material.
I finished none more blocks on my scrappy trip around the world quilt!  I needed to fix one which is why it is not  in the picture.

Can you believe how big Tiger is next to Oreo?
I have 34 completed but the rest are cut and ready for the final block making!  It should not take long to finish.  I'm trying to decide on my final layout.  I can do one of two things, I can either place it completely random, or have secondary patterns by taking blocks with key colors, like either the brown or gold, and grouping them together.  I'm thinking I like the idea of grouping them, what do yo think?  Can you see what I'm talking about in the picture?

I asked Muffin to pose, didn't he do a good job?

We have decide on a name for her!  Cupcake!
So we have Custard, Oreo and Cupcake!

Pippi was watching the kittens play while lounging in her cat bed!
What have you been up to this week?  I feel like I have three newborn babies in my house with these kittens!
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Barn Blocks

I am finally almost caught up on my barn blocks!  I now have seven done!  This week I am going to fix my mistake on the one block and I need to add the borders on both of the other two blocks.  I'm running out of room to make my blocks!  But that is a good problem!  I'll just have to start overlapping them as I hang them up!
The kittens like to help me quilt!  This week I've been using my Redhead 66 hand crank to make my blocks.
I think this is my favorite block with the maple leaf block.
I have a penguin in the window!  I love penguins and had to make sure there were penguins in this quilt somewhere!  Here are the directions for this block.  She also has a video tutorial for this one!

The pinwheels block was very easy to make!  I liked the way it turned out also.  Here are the directions for that one also.
This one has a cat in the window, you know I have to have some barn cats, I found this one cat in a scrap basket at the quilt retreat, and he is the same color as Tiger as you can tell by the paw!
Look at this great "moo" material I found at a thrift store for $2!  Please excuse the big fat cat in the picture!  Tiger wanted my attention!  LOL!
I did not get a close up of the one with yellow in it, I did not really like the way that block turned out, although I did like the bees in the window of this one!  It's the one at the top.  The door looks kind of like a beehive also.  Pippi was helping model in this picture.  Here are the directions for the sunflower block!
Lori Holt is making a second barn quilt that the blocks finish to the same size, but they have a silo on the side, so I think I will make the rest of my blocks with the silo to change up the quilt some.  The first block will come out this Wednesday.

I've also been working on my string blocks.  I'm just going to keep making them and after I make a quilt for myself, all of the left over blocks I'll give to my prayer quilt ministry at church.  I am cutting the muslin squares at nine inches.  So far I have 22 made!

What are you working on this week?
P.S. I found the perfect verse for my barns!
Luke 12:24  "Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?"

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quilt Retreat

I went to my first quilt retreat last weekend.  I had so much fun!  To see what I did you can see yesterday's post here.  Mary Lou brought this awesome string quilt to share, isn't it gorgeous?  Here is another quilt she made, I think it was called a half log cabin block.  All of her quilts are scrappy.

I love the jalapeno fabric on the back!
She made string diamonds this weekend also.  She made more, but these are the ones already sewn together.

Did I mention this was a people powered sewing machine quilt retreat?  Everybody used either treadles or hand cranks!

This is Dorthy's memory string quilt she basted this weekend also.

Don't you love this Vesta all the way from England?
Valerie, my new English friend made this adorable paper pieced Sunbonnet Sue phone case this weekend.
Don't you love this this bunny fabric?  Margaret worked on a quilt, the yellow brick road, using only bunny fabrics she has been collecting for 20-30 years!

This is her Davis Vertical Feed, there are no feed dogs, the foot works kind of like a walking foot.  She says it sews like a dream!

That is a lot of bunny fabric!

Here is her rail fence quilt she also basted this weekend.
I love Allison's Straight legged treadle.

She finished the top of her Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, Easy street.  Don't you love the colors?

We had three of these quilts!  I love the piano key border and the scrappy pastels!  Sue is making one  above, it has a black background with bright colors and looks totally different even though it is the same pattern!
Here is another one of the same pattern, laid out and being pieced together, she used a bright orange for her background.  All three are the same pattern and scrappy, but look totally different!  Gorgeous!
Look at these giant bow tie blocks!

Mine is tiny compared to them, I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
Never wear white when sewing a denim rag quilt!  I was covered with dark threads, I hope you can see them in this picture!

I had so much fun!  I can't wait until the next retreat!  I hope I didn't miss anybody!  There so many talented ladies there!