Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cross Stitch Nativity

I wanted to share this sweet Nativity my mom made for me years ago.  I love it.  I picked the manger up at a yard sale for like 50 cents at the same time.

My mom does cross stitching and I do quilting!  I have some blocks that she cross stitched for me years ago that I need to quilt.  They need to be washed, any suggestions on how to do that?


Isaiah 9:6  "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  A parent at school baked some cupcakes and then asked me to decorate them for the kids, so I made a turkey!  I messed up and put an extra orange feather, but that's okay.  I found a picture online for inspiration.  The turkey's body kind of slid because the frosting was too soft, but I love the way it turned out.  It looks like I did it on purpose.

We had a cold morning and since both Chris and I had the day off, we had a fire going in the fireplace.  The cats really enjoy the fire too!

Psalms 100:4  "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Finished Blocks

I have finally had some time to sew this week.  Not very much time, but every few minutes count!
I only got four blocks done so far.
This is where I am sewing.
If I counted right, I have ten blocks left!

In the summer when I had hurt my knee and was couch bound, I got all of my blocks ready for sewing.  I separated them with finished blocks.
Of course I had cats hanging out with me.  Oreo was in the right spot, on the cat bed.

Tiger was sitting on my treadles - sigh

Muffin was very much in the way.  He kept coming back to this spot too!

This is where I keep my finished blocks, unfortunately Oreo has no problem getting in the basket!  If I counted right, I have 71 finished blocks!  That means I should have about 80 blocks when all finished.  I am off by one somewhere, but better one too many then to be short one!

I am hoping to start sewing the top together this weekend, it just depends.  I offered to help with the food for the murder mystery dinner theater my school is putting on Saturday.

Tell me what kind of "helpers" you have!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Black Friday Shopping - Quilting Style

Do you like to do Black Friday Shopping?  I do in a way.  I have a system, I cut out pictures of what I want at the store and go in and buy that item, I pull out the picture at the store and find it.  It's a lot easier to find with a picture and that way I don't forget anything or wander around aimlessly.  I never go when the store first opens either, who needs that stress?
Joann's has come out with their Black Friday ad!  You can see it here:
The only thing is that I have to Go to Springfield which is an hour away!  Yes, my husband has already agreed that we can go to Springfield that day!

I do have a small local quilt shop, Dogwood Quilting, they are also having a sale.  20% - 30% off bolted fabric.

Those are the only ones I know of so far.  Of course the online quilt shops will also be having sales, probably on Cyber Monday.

I need ot have a picture on here, so here is a picture of a pilgrim sewing.
Happy Black Friday shopping next week!


Sunday, November 16, 2014


Do you remember Annie?  I was about nine or ten when it came out in the theaters.  It is the only movie I remember going to with my mom.
Here are some old pictures of me with my mom, you can see where I get my silliness from!
 I miss my mom, have not seen her in over a year, so when I watched Annie on Netflix, I thought of my mom!
What does this have to do with sewing you ask?  I had never realized that there was a sewing scene in Annie and the orphans are use industrial treadles!  I thought that was pretty awesome!


Friday, November 14, 2014

Feline Friday

Hello, my name is Muffin Man, but everyone calls me Muffin.  My mom thinks it's funny to sing the "Do you know the Muffin Man" song to me.  I'm too dignified for that though.  I'm in charge of all of the cats at my house even though I am only five.
I keep track of any cats that come in to my yard too.

Of course, I have to make my rounds on the sewing machines when mommy leaves the door open.  That is my brother Tiger behind me.
The other cats like to snuggle with him because he is so fuzzy.  Oreo is pretty fuzzy too though.  He is one of the "kittens" because they are the youngest, even though they are 1 1/2 now.

Oreo is always getting into something.
This is Pippi.  I raised her from a baby, she was four weeks old when she came home.  I took over the care of cleaning her and keeping her warm.  I also taught her to go potty.  Mommy really appreciated the help.  She is four now.

These three really like to hang out in Mom's dress form.

Cupcake is Oreo's sister.  She is always causing trouble and getting into places she shouldn't.  Mommy thinks she is the one who ate her cactus last night.
The other kitten, their sister, is Custard.  She thinks she is a princess and does not always do what you want.  She would not sit still for a picture!
She finally was still, but only to take a bath.

We have two more in our house.  They are older then me, but I'm still in charge!
This is Precious, he is about 16 years old.  Mommy is not sure because he was a stray she adopted in AR.  He is not doing very well, so we all take care of him.
Our other elder is Squeeky, she is nine years old.  I like to chase her because she screams as if I'm killing her.  It is very funny because I don't even touch her!

Be sure to check out Denise's blog at Count it All Joy.  She asked Mommy to write this post, but I would not let her say what she wanted to, I took it over.  Of course, Mommy is also linking up with Sarah at Sarah Did It for Feline Friday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trying to Sew

Hello everyone!  Boy have I missed ya'll!  I love teaching, but it does not leave much time for sewing and blogging!  I've finally had some time to sit down and sew on Sunday night.  I pulled out my scrappy trip along blocks (there is only about 10 left!) and started to sew.  Well, I started getting rat's nests so I threw away the very old thread I was using and put in new thread.  The thread kept breaking!  I asked on Mad For Treadles on FB what they thought the problem was.  They said check for burrs or change my needle.  I ran to Walmart and bought some quilting needles before work yesterday.  Tried it out today, it sews perfect now!
 This is my set up.  I have my ironing station on the right, my table on the left to lay out my blocks.
 I have terrible lighting in my sewing room, so I have my ottlite on the right, which I can use on either that machine or my hand crank.  On the left I have the lamp I bought for a $1 at an auction!

I can't wait to come home and sew tonight!  Although I have gotten a little distracted with Christmas decorations, they have been packed up for two years and a friend gave me some stuff when she moved, so I need to see what  I have.  I do know I am missing one box of stuff that I need to find in the garage.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
