Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Sewing Room

I have my room all set up.  I am sure that I will move things around when I start to sew.
I know I have three valances but I can only find two right now.  The cutting table is a desk I bought for $1.  I also have my industrial treadle that I use for my quilting.
 I got a skirt stuck in my serger after I broke a needle, I need to read my manual and fix it.
My closet is very small and needs to be organized.   My mom painted the fabric (above the spool threads) with Tri-Chem when I was little.

 For those of you who are new to my blog, yes I do use all of my treadles for quilting.
I put the old TV in my room because I like noise while I work.  I still have a couple of boxes I need to unpack.

My cats love the bean bag chair, but it was moved out of this room.  It came from my classroom at school.

My cats love the windows in my room.
I put all of my scrap booking stuff in guest room, I'm hoping to start scrap booking again.
At my housewarming party, I met one of my neighbors.  She is a quilter and when she and her husband saw my machines, she said, "And you thought I had a lot of machines.  I only have four."  LOL
Have a quilty fun day ya'll!

Monday, May 23, 2016

I'm back with pictures of my new home.

School is out, so I now have time to get back to blogging and quilting.  I have missed all of my bloggy friends!  I did get some sewing done, I finished my curtains for my kitchen window.  Such a simple thing took me weeks to finish.  I worked on a small piece at a time in between school, church, and trying to get things unpacked in my house.

I had a housewarming party on Saturday and totally forgot to take pictures at the party!  I did however, take pictures of my home before the party.  My bedroom is a work in progress, but this is what it looks like now.  I forgot to take a picture of the wall of windows.
The king size quilt I made is on the bed and on the wall is a quilt my grandmother made.

 This next room is my guest room/library.
Custom shelves is on the bucket list for this room.

 Until we have a guest, this is the perfect place for reading and studying!
 Here is our entry way.  Before pictures.
After pictures.  I had to paint that hallway, it was too dark!  A friend painted the painting for me as a housewarming gift.

 My cats love sitting in the door.
Here is my living room, ignore the chairs I have sitting out.  I meant to take a picture of the dining room after I set out the food and forgot.
 My cats love all of the windows in my house as much as I do!
I'll share pictures of my sewing room in another blog post!  My house is not fancy or unique, but it is perfect for my husband and I.    Thank you for coming to my virtual housewarming!
