Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Quilt Repair

We had a great program at our local quilt guild on Thursday night.  "Quilt Care and Repair" by Carmen Whorley.  Carmen is from Springfield, MO and did a great job.
She talked about the causes of quilt death-abuse by people - body oils, pets, poor storage, and natural disasters:  such as floods, tornadoes, and fires.
 When it comes to repair decisions:  there are several things to consider like cost, time, and whether it is repairable or truly dead.

 There was a lot more we learned also.  I would highly recommend having Carmen come talk to your quilt guild!

Joann brought some quilts that needed needed some TLC.

 I love the quilting on the improved nine patch.

 Don't you love how perfect the circles on this double wedding ring quilt are?

This is the quilt our guild made to donate to the band at the local high school so they can raffle it and raise money for the band.  The center star is paper pieced music notes.

Here is a list of her favorite reference books:
Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns by Barbara Brackman
Dating Quilts from 1600 to Present by Helen Kelley
Protecting Tomorrow's Treasures Today:  A Practical Guide for the Care of Quilts by Kathy Kansier
Caring for Your Quilts by Hallye Bone
Dating Fabrics a Color Guide 1800-1960 by Eileen Jahnke Trestain
Dating Fabrics 2 a Color Guide 1950-2000 by Eileen Jahnke Trestain

We were given a lot of great information, Carmen did a great job on her talk.
Do you have a quilt that needs some repair?


Saturday, September 16, 2017


My Sister Made Me Do It is having a Pinnie parade!  It started two weeks ago, but I have been super sick and this is the first time I have been able to get my blog post written. 
I am going to share one of my cutest pincushions.  I love this little one I made from a kitty cat planter.

This next pincushion is the first one I made.  I think that it is one of my ugliest pin cushions, and I was so proud of it when I made it.  LOL  I made it our of a tuna can and scraps.
Be sure to check out the linky party!


I am having a fundraiser through Pampered Chef to raise money for the hurricane victims.  30% off the proceeds will be donated to Feeding America who provides food and water for the victims.  The fundraiser is going through September 18, Monday.  If you would like to help out, you can place your order at this link:   https://pamperedchef.com/go/PrayforTX2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

My new office

I have been busy rearranging and cleaning.  I am not tutoring down in my basement this year, I had a classroom and my office set up down there.  I never go down there anymore and I really needed an office for my Pampered Chef stuff.  We had set up the third bedroom as a guest room, but it was never used and just a waste of space.  I took the bed out, moved the book shelves to form a little library area, we put a love seat in there, and moved a small computer desk and my computers in there.  I am very happy with it!  It is my spot for work, doing devotions, reading, etc.

I told my husband that he needs to build me custom shelves for this room!  As you can see, I do not have enough room and I haven't even put all of my books in here yet!

I am having a Pampered Chef Fundraiser for the Harvey Victims.  The fundraiser is open until September 18.  20%-30% (depending on sales) of the sales will be donated to Feeding America who is providing water, food, and more to the victims.  If you would like to place an order you can use this link:  https://pamperedchef.com/go/PrayforTX2017  .

If you cannot help in a monetary way, be sure to pray!  I am having an event tied into this on FB, you can join in there.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Feline Friday and Good Cat Food Resources

Welcome to another Feline Friday!  Oreo could not figure out why I put him on the table when I usually yell at them to get off the table, but he matched my quilt so well!  LOL 
I love my cats and I want to make sure they get the healthiest cat food possible!  We usually make our own cat food, but that is not always convenient, especially with seven cats!
 When my friend Jacqueline sent me this email about the research her team has done on healthy cat food, I was pretty excited!  Talk about saving us a lot of time and money (vet time from not eating healthy is a big expense).  This is what she said:  "Our team at Reviews.com researched 1,759 cat food formulas, spent months analyzing the cat food industry, and surveyed 97 veterinary professionals, as well as hundreds of devoted cat owners. Despite felines’ complicated dietary needs, we ultimately put together a guide that identified 9 formulas that contained high-quality, risk-free ingredients.
You find our research here: http://www.reviews.com/cat-food/
We want to make a difference by helping cat owners choose safe and nutritional options."
 Be sure to check out the reviews, I did!
Oreo loves the mint, since he is only allowed out on the deck, this is his "dirt"  LOL

Of course Muffin loves the catnip.  It does not look quite as pretty now that the cats have decided to sit in it and "snuffle" and eat it!  LOL

What are your thoughts on cat food?  We will not feed our cats anything with corn or meat by products.  Corn is very bad for your cats, their body cannot digest it very well.  We never have to take them to the vet and they usually live to be about 18 years old.

Have a "purrfectly" wonderful weekend!
