Monday, July 30, 2018

Anniversary Quilt

This past Sunday our church gave a quilt to my pastor and his wife for their 30th anniversary.  I did not make the quilt or cake but still wanted to share it with you.  All I did was cut out a few leaves.  A couple of other ladies made it.
 Everybody at church signed the leaves.

I did make the card though.
 I attached it to some cardboard so we could all sign it.
Have a nice day!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Feline Friday

I have not done a Feline Friday in a while!  I put this door/table behind my sewing machine in the living room.  There is almost always a cat sleeping on my material there.  LOL
This is Pippi and when I took her picture the only acknowledgement was her ears laid back.
 This was a surprise picture I found on my phone, my husband must have taken this picture.  Please excuse my pj bottoms.  Tiger always sits next to my husband on the couch.  He was supposed to be my cat!
 Tater has learned from the other cats that to get my attention while I am sewing is to lay on my machine.
 Cupcake knows how to get my immediate attention though!
 Oreo knows that all he has to do is roll over and show me his belly and I am a goner!
My cats are a sure distraction!  LOL

Have a great weekend ya'll!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Antique Crazy Quilt

My friend, Norma, who is 81 years old, shared a quilt with me that her grandmother made.  I'm not sure how old the quilt is.  It is made from silk fabrics and she attached tiny crochet pieces to it.

A crazy quilt is definitely on my bucket list.  Have you ever made one?  Do you want to?


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sewing Day

We had a sewing day Thursday!  It was a lot of fun!  We have our Facebook group for the Missouri TOGA (Treadle-O Gathering Academy).  The TOGA is the weekend after Father's Day every year, but I thought it would be nice for the Ozark Treadlers (our new name for the locals) to meet every other month for a sew day and to work on individual projects and things for the TOGA every year.
We had our first sew day on Thursday at the Ava Art Guild who graciously allowed us to use their building for free.

My machine, a Singer class 99 turned into a handcrank

Don's machine, a toy chain stitch machine that sews

See the perfect chainstitch it makes?
I love sewing days!  Once school starts we will have to start meeting on Fridays since my school has classes Monday through Thursday.  I don't think I have mentioned on here that I will be teaching at Whetstone Christian Academy this year.  I will be teaching kindergarten and first grade.

Do you prefer sewing with friends or by yourself?


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Auditioning Placements

I finally finished my 3D Bow-tie blocks!  We had a sewing day today at our art guild and my friend Jo Ann brought her portable design wall.  I put my blocks on it but never had time to sew my rows together, so I asked her if I could just borrow the whole design wall for two days.  My husband walked into the living room after work and asked "you borrowed someone's entire design wall?"  LOL
I think this will be my last placement, any opinions?  I was thinking a small inner border of medium blue, a big outer border of yellow with polka dots, and a blue and yellow flowers binding.  What do you think?

 Below are some other fabrics that we auditioned, do you like these better?
I hate making decisions!  I am glad I finally have a blue and yellow quilt!  I want to finish it for a quilt show in August.  I also need suggestions on how to quilt it.
Thank you for your opinions!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Plastic canvas Crosses

Before I learned how to sew I did plastic canvas and really enjoyed it!  My homemaker's club is making crosses to raise money for our club.  We like to donate the money to Meals on Wheels, the food pantry, and I am going blank on the other charity we donate to.  We met last week and Elnora taught us how to make the crosses, some of us had done it before but it was brand new for some of our members.  It was a lot of fun but of course we had food too!

This is mine, it is one of the middle parts.

Miss Norma

Tena (she is on Instagram as timeless.retro)

Linda and Garnet concentrating!

Elnors, our teacher for the day

selfies with me and Tena

 I love this idea.  She holds the pattern onto the plastic with q-tips!
Have you worked with plastic canvas before?  I had forgotten about some kits I had for Christmas.  I need to get started on those!


Friday, July 13, 2018

Feathered Stars

At my quilt guild last night, we saw some beautiful blocks!  Marla made these Feathered Stars using the templates from Marti Mitchel.

Janet brought her feathered star that she paper pieced.
I love these blocks!  Marla is going to teach a class at our guild on how to make them, I won't be able to make it though.  I got a job teaching kindergarten and first grade next year so I am busy with getting my classroom ready.  I also have two quilts I want to finish before our small local quilt show in August.

Have you ever made a feathered star before?
