Friday, April 2, 2010

Coconut Cake

This is the beginning of my blog all about my cake decorating experiences, aprons I like, and all to the glory of God.  One of my favorite verses is Ps 34:8 "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."  There are lots of ways to "taste" His goodness.  I always thought that taste is a sensory experience.  How do you feel when you bite into a piece of coconut cake with coconut frosting?  I made one last night using a white cake recipe I got from the Whimsical Bakehouse.  I added 2/3 a cup of coconut to the batter and I wanted a fluffy icing and found that recipe from the same book and covered the cake with coconut.  I took a bite and the sweetness combined with coconut was pure heaven!  Isn't the Lord good to give us the knowledge to combine these wonderful ingredients that He provided for us?  Next time I make the cake though I think I will replace some of the milk in the cake with coconut milk.  I think that will give it a bit more coconut taste.
Please be patient with me as I start adding more pages with pictures of my cakes and different aprons I find.  If you have a favorite apron picture or story that you would like to add please feel free to email it to me!  I am also looking for some great recipes for all things cake related!
Thank you for joining me in my experiences in cakes!

1 comment:

  1. What a great website, I just love seeing the pictures of the different cakes you have made. You are very talented!!


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