Tuesday, June 8, 2010

American Cake Decorating Magazine

First off, let me say that I have been making excuses and been very patient for a year now, and I guess I just want to vent a little bit.  Be sure to watch the video at the end of the post.
I just received my new American Cake Decorating Magazine.  I used to love this magazine and the Mailbox News Magazines.  We scrimped and went without a few things last year and my husband surprised me with a subscription to both.  Wow, was I excited!  I got the first couple, but late.  Then they were later and later.  One whole magazine was never even published.  I heard they were having financial problems.  They fired Craig Gustafson and hired a new editor.  The new editor knows nothing about cake decorating.  You can tell, I read a cake magazine to learn - and I DO NOT expect to know more about it than the person writing the article!  That is just wrong.  The last Mailbox News Magazine had some terrible cakes in it.  The new ACD had two of the main articles about stuff in Europe!  I thought it was called American Cake Decorating.  I want to learn about bakeries here so that I can learn from their mistakes, I really can't relate to a bakery in Germany.   There was more information about a confectionary show in Europe than there was about the Atlantic Cake Show.  Needless to say, I will not be renewing my subscription.  Has anyone read the new Cake Central Magazine?  What did you think of either of these magazines?

Here is an apology from Grace McNamara, the owner of the magazines, please watch:

http://www.americancakedecorating.com/    Here is their website and you can find them on facebook too.

BTW:  I have some new great apron tutorials on the apron tutorials page!

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