Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mommy and Me Bath-Time Aprons

Hey everybody, I've been busy making more Mommy and Me bath-time aprons.  Remember the one I showed y'all that I made for my friend for her shower?  I have made five more to sell!  Each one is unique and different.  But first, let me warn you about the pictures.  My husband took them last night at 10pm when I was absolutely exhausted!  My hair is not fixed and I do not have any makeup on!  LOL  These aprons are great for washing babies, cats, dogs, dishes, cars - anytime you don't want to get wet!

My husband was also playing with my new camera he got me for our 15th wedding anniversary, on Aug. 5. So some of the pictures are kind of funny!

Here is the picture I took after I snatched it away from him and he was trying to get it back!

I wanted to show you one of the neat effects my new camera does!  I can't wait to do this to some nice pictures!

To the right here is one of my aprons.  It is made out of towel material with a detachable matching washcloth.  This apron has one big pocket.  I love the cute buttons I found!  It is hard to find big, colorful buttons!  This is apron A.

The difference on this one is that I sewed the pocket down the middle to make two pockets instead of one.  The stripes are also going in different directions.  This is apron B.

This has one big pocket(I can always make it into two pockets if you ask).  I made the washcloth a little different.  I sewed up the sides and made it like a "pocket" for you to slip your hand in while washing your baby (or cat  or dog).  It is also detachable with a matching button on the apron to hang it from.  This is apron C.

I think this one is my favorite!  I love the greens.  I made the washcloth on this one also a "pocket" as you can see on the left.  This one has two pockets instead of one.  You can always use the washcloth as an extra pocket if you want to.  This is apron D

Here is my last apron.  Please ignore my cheesy grin, but my husband made me laugh!  On the left I am pointing at an extra pocket inside the big pocket that I sewed in.  There are two small pockets in the middle and the one big pocket in the front.  This one has the pocket instead of the washcloth, I ran out of material.  If you want a washcloth included, I can include one that looks like the pink striped aprons.  This is apron E

I have decided to include the price of shipping in the aprons (or I could say free shipping!  LOL).  These aprons are $25. If you live out of the country, there may be added charge for the shipping.   If you would like to purchase one let me know which one you want.  Please specify by letter which apron you want.  missy93073@yahoo.com and I can provide a phone number also if you ask.  These ones are on a first come first serve basis, I have another set I will be doing in polka dots, I'm not sure if I will be able to get two or three aprons out of that material.

Thank you for looking, if you have any questions - just ask!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Napkin Aprons - Tutorial

Okay, so how cute is this apron?  I was so happy with how it turned out!

I was at Kohl's the other day and looking in the linens section when I found these great napkins on clearance for $1.59.  The only thing is that I could only find one red one, I definitely need to buy more!  I saw the size of them and decided they would make a great apron!

I took the red apron and cut it in half.  I folded under the bottom edge and ironed it.  Then I folded it in three to decide where I wanted to sew my pockets.  I pinned the pockets on each side of where I wanted to sew.  Then I sewed on the inside of the decorative edging and sewed two lines down the middle for the pockets.  See where I placed my pins?  This gave me three pockets.  I sewed the sides and the bottom, don't forget to back stitch at the ends to re enforce your stitching!
I bought three of the "fat quarters" of fabric from Wal-Mart for $1 each.  I was so happy to be able to find this striped material because I knew I wanted red, yellow and orange stripes but I couldn't find it anywhere!  I sewed all three squares together, then I cut three long strips. I wanted a total of two strips (for two aprons) so I cut one of the strips in half and sewed an end on each of the other two strips.  I will do this part differently next time though.  I folded in the edges and ironed them.  I then folded them in half and ironed them again.  I then found the middle of the tie and the middle of the napkin and met them up.  I placed the napkin in the middle of the folded tie (see picture), so that the tie would be on both sides of the apron.  I then pinned it n place and sewed a basic straight stitch on one, and a zig zag stitch on the other.

Please ignore the terrible picture of me, but I wanted to show how I made the ties long enough to where you can tie them in either the front or the back.  No, I do not have a butterfly on my head, it was hanging from my curtains!  LOL

With three napkins and three fat squares I was able to make two aprons and I had enough material to make a little fabric flower.  I love these flowers!  I promise to write a tutorial on how to make them next time I make one!
If anyone else makes one of these aprons you will have to send me pictures so that I can post them on my website!

Thanks for joining me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Coconut Macaroons and a new apron

My friend Renee is a fabulous cook and baker.  She can bake anything, and she can make it healthy too!  She makes the best coconut macaroons with exactly the right consistency.  When she heard I was making aprons she asked me to make her one.  Would you believe she has never had an apron before?  This is her first one.  My pictures of her did not turn out very well, I had very bad lighting.

I used the same pattern from my mommy and me bath time aprons.  I used a black and white material for the body and made the ties in a red material that I sewed with a contrasting black thread.

I felt like it needed something so I made a fabric flower and used a black button for the center.  I felt like it added the extra punch it needed.  Since I was showing off Renee's apron I wanted to post her coconut macaroons recipe also.

Her recipe calls for three simple ingredients.
6 egg whites (It is easiest to separate them while they are cold)
1/2 cup honey (I use local, raw honey)
2 cups unsweetened coconut
Preheat oven to 350°.  Beat egg whites until fluffy and add coconut.  Keep beating add honey and continue beating until well mixed.  (I switched my honey and coconut and my meringue fell).  Drop by tsp full on buttered cookie sheet.  Bake 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
Since my meringue fell and made mush, I made it into a coconut macaroon pie that I baked for 20 minutes.  It tasted good, but I wanted cookies, so I tried again.  Renee's cookies come out perfect, so it has to work.  I found a video from Paula Deen.

 I could not get the video to embed, so here is the link though!

I decided to try making them in the way Paula did, but with Renee's ingredients.  I went ahead and added a bit of cream of tartar to the meringue.  In another bowl I mixed together the salt, coconut, honey and a tad bit of almond extract.  I then folded them together.

I used the cookie scoop like Paula Deen suggested and they made very big cookies.  I also used parchment paper to save on clean up, but the buttered pan would have been better since the cookies stuck to the paper.
I then used my small scooper on the next sheet of cookies.  I cooked them both (separately) at 350° for ten minutes.  When they came out it was like eating the meringue off the top of a pie.  Since my husband loves meringue he loved it.
They were undercooked and did not have the texture of the cookies.  I am not defeated though and I will try again.  Maybe I just need to use the sweetened condensed milk instead of the honey although the honey is definitely healthier.  They tasted great though and were definitely eaten!  Renee, you can make me the cookies anytime you want!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Girly Three Ruffle Half Apron

I do not like patterns, I have a hard time following them, so when I found this material with the pattern pre-printed on it, I was ecstatic!  I love these colors also, pink and green is such a fun girly combination.  The ruffled apron is more work since there are three times as many hems and and stuff, but it is so cute - I love it!  I bought an extra one so that I can use it as a pattern to make more ruffled aprons.  The directions were pretty easy to follow.  I just wish the material was not so expensive!!

The first thing I did was cut my pieces out and laid them out.  I made sure that I didn't accidentally throw the directions away, that wouldn't be good!

First I did a zig - zag stitch all the way around the ruffle - this keeps the material from fraying.  Then I did a 1/4 inch hem all the way around.  Then I stacked the three ruffles on top of each other, pinned them, then sewed them together.

I pressed the ends down on the ties, then folded them in half and pressed down again.  I then found my center on the tie and the apron and pinned them together.  Make sure the tie is over the front and back for an even look.  Then sew and you are done!

Friday, July 9, 2010

My First Handmade Apron

First I must confess that I am not very good at sewing, or at least my sewing machine is not very good at sewing!  The bobbin has a mind of it's own and does not like me at all!  We have a love/hate relationship going on!  I love having a sewing machine, but I hate it when my bobbin messes up!  I also  have never sewn anything without someone standing over me with their guidance.

I did sew this dress, but Chrystal had to guide me the whole way even though I did all of the sewing.  I cannot read a pattern - it is confusing - which is why I love the apron tutorials I find.  I made this dress for Revolution Day at church last year.  I am also wearing it tonight for an English Tea Baby Shower.  You may ask me why I'm wearing it tonight?  Because I spent a lot of time and money on this dress and I want to wear it more then once.  It is because of the baby shower I made my first apron - all by myself!

I did not have much money for a shower gift.  This will be Katherine's fourth baby, and we don't know if she will be having a boy or girl, so clothes were out.  She has three boys.  I had been flipping through an apron book a couple of weeks ago and saw an idea for an apron for the mom to wear when she gives the baby a bath.  Saturday I was at Target and saw this cute beach towel(don't you love the colors?), when I had the idea of making one of these aprons for Katherine.  The towel was seven feet long so I can get at least two aprons, and maybe three, out of it.  I found a great deal on the material for $1.68 a yard at Hobby Lobby and thought it went perfect!

I already had the pattern at home for an apron I have been wanting to make for myself.  So I folded the towel and made sure the hem of the towel would be the bottom of my apron.  Of course I can't make this guarantee on each apron cut from this fabric, but that is what will make each apron unique.  I laid my pattern on the towel, pinned it on, then cut it out.  Towel material frays very easily.

Trying to save as much material as possible, I cut the pocket out.  I love this pocket, it is huge - perfect for the baby shampoo, soap, lotion oil and whatever else you need it for!

I then sewed a zig zag stitch around the entire apron and pocket to keep the material from fraying.  I would not recommend skipping this step, it is quick and will save a lot of trouble later.  Remember the old saying "A stitch in time saves nine"?  It's true, especially in sewing!  I then sewed a hem around the entire thing.  Since I had zig zag stitched the apron, I did not hem where I would be sewing the binding on.  I did not want the material too thick there.

This is where the pattern got very confusing - on the binding/ties.  I dragged my pattern and material all the way to church and asked Skye for help - and forgot the directions!  LOL Basically it said to match it up at the arrows then cut one continuous circle.  It was way too confusing for me so instead

I cut it into three pieces and sewed it end to end.  I even sewed down the angles - which was a mistake!  LOL it would have made a nice frame though!  I cut the angle off then folded my ends to the center and pressed them, then folded it in half and pressed it together.

Make sure it is perfectly even and straight!  This s also the binding, not just the ties.  I re-enforced the ties at the bottom with a "trianglesh" shape on each end.  This is another step you do not want to skip or the ties might pull out.  I double stitched across the binding at the top also for re-enforcement.

I made a wash cloth out of the towel material also.  I made a loop with leftover material, it looks kind of like a ribbon shape.  I made sure it was a good size for the button so that I could attach it to the apron.  I sewed it onto the back of the wash cloth.  Make sure to re-enforce the stitching here also.  If I had thought of the wash cloth sooner, I would have found a really cute, big button to sew on.

Here is a time saver tip I learned when I worked for a dry cleaners.  You double the thread before threading your needle to make four strands when you sew on buttons.  It saves time.  Make sure the button is sewed on tight and at a convenient spot for the wash cloth.

This apron was a lot of fun to make, and I will definitely be making more!!  Here's a question for you - would you rather buy a full-length apron or a waist length apron?