Monday, July 26, 2010

Napkin Aprons - Tutorial

Okay, so how cute is this apron?  I was so happy with how it turned out!

I was at Kohl's the other day and looking in the linens section when I found these great napkins on clearance for $1.59.  The only thing is that I could only find one red one, I definitely need to buy more!  I saw the size of them and decided they would make a great apron!

I took the red apron and cut it in half.  I folded under the bottom edge and ironed it.  Then I folded it in three to decide where I wanted to sew my pockets.  I pinned the pockets on each side of where I wanted to sew.  Then I sewed on the inside of the decorative edging and sewed two lines down the middle for the pockets.  See where I placed my pins?  This gave me three pockets.  I sewed the sides and the bottom, don't forget to back stitch at the ends to re enforce your stitching!
I bought three of the "fat quarters" of fabric from Wal-Mart for $1 each.  I was so happy to be able to find this striped material because I knew I wanted red, yellow and orange stripes but I couldn't find it anywhere!  I sewed all three squares together, then I cut three long strips. I wanted a total of two strips (for two aprons) so I cut one of the strips in half and sewed an end on each of the other two strips.  I will do this part differently next time though.  I folded in the edges and ironed them.  I then folded them in half and ironed them again.  I then found the middle of the tie and the middle of the napkin and met them up.  I placed the napkin in the middle of the folded tie (see picture), so that the tie would be on both sides of the apron.  I then pinned it n place and sewed a basic straight stitch on one, and a zig zag stitch on the other.

Please ignore the terrible picture of me, but I wanted to show how I made the ties long enough to where you can tie them in either the front or the back.  No, I do not have a butterfly on my head, it was hanging from my curtains!  LOL

With three napkins and three fat squares I was able to make two aprons and I had enough material to make a little fabric flower.  I love these flowers!  I promise to write a tutorial on how to make them next time I make one!
If anyone else makes one of these aprons you will have to send me pictures so that I can post them on my website!

Thanks for joining me!


  1. very cute. I need to get an apron one of these days. I have never used one lol

  2. I was very surprised with how big these napkins were! I love cloth napkins, I use them instead of papertowels - it's cheaper!

  3. Cuteness! Thanks so much for linking up with M-I-Y Monday! I always enjoy your submissions.

  4. This is great making an apron out of napkins.

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