Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I did it! Crocheted Dish Soap Apron

Okay, I have been asked several times why I would want to crochet an apron for my dish soap bottle? My answer is why not? :) It's small, cute, quick, and a great learning tool!

I saw these cute aprons (I posted the directions on my tutorial page)and decided I needed one! So I went digging around in my yarns and found some yellow yarn! As you can tell from my tablecloth, my kitchen is green and yellow. Now, you have to know that I have not crocheted since I was 18, that was 18 years ago! I had only learned how to crochet the most basic stitches to make pot holders. I needed to learn how to crochet, so I took my yarn and my crochet hook and cornered Miss Debra at church.

Every church has a Miss Debra, she is everybody's mom and she is the one who teaches you how to cook and crochet! "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;" Titus 2:3 She also teaches us how to be a better Christian, wife and mother. Everybody loves Miss Debra and appreciates the wisdom she gives us!

Even though I made all kinds of mistakes that she had to correct and asked the same questions over and over again, she was very patient with me! I have started making another one and maybe by the time I get through this one I'll be able to make one by myself! I must admit that I am very proud of myself for actually finishing a project! My basket is full of a lot of unfinished projects! LOL! The next apron should look a lot better! I hope!

So let's go make an apron!

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