Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cranberry/Apple Relish

It has been so long since I have had time to blog!  I went to my mom's for two weeks, then was sick when I got home, then was helping my neighbor who was on bed rest while trying to get my house back in order.  I'm sure there are other people who struggle with housecleaning.  It just does not come naturally and then when I get behind I get so over whelmed that I don't know where to start.  The only two rooms left are my office and bedroom!  YEAH!  I also got two new kittens!  I have several interviews and posts from the Oklahoma Cake Show to share and several new recipes.  I'm excited to get back to my blogging!
On a whim I decided to make fresh cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving, I have always eaten the canned cranberry sauce, always preferred the can, but I wanted something different this year.  I was also going to make from scratch rolls but forgot to make them in the morning so they would have time to rise - made popovers instead.  I found two recipes I liked and combined them together and this is the recipe I came up with:
1 bag (12 oz) fresh or frozen cranberries
2 apples peeled and finely chopped (I used my Pampered Chef Chopper)
2 cups apple cider or juice
2 cups sugar (If using palm sugar do not skimp or it will be sour)
1/4 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger (I found this in the bulk section at the grocery store)
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1.  In a 3 qt saucepan, combine cranberries, apples, apple cider and sugar; bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, add ginger and cloves.  Simmer until most of the cranberries have burst, about 30 minutes or more.
2.  Remove from heat and stir in vinegar.  Serve warm or chilled.  If you let it chill for a day or two it will gel up some.

Refrigerate for up to one week or freeze for up to one month.

I hosted my sewing circle Tuesday and needed to provide the lunch.  I used my relish to make turkey salad sandwiches and they turned out great!  We re-ulpholsterd my rocking chair and Chrystal and Susan helped me with a new pattern for an apron I made for an apron swap.  To make the sandwiches cut up some leftover turkey, add a lot of relish(to cover?) a bar of cream cheese and a big spoonful, about 1/2 cup, of plain yogurt.  Mix it all up and serve between bread.  I think I'll add pecans next time.  It was delicious!

Here is a picture of the apron, I put the pocket too far back and you can't see it.  The green material has sugar cookies and gingerbread men on it, the red and white is peppermints, I made the pocket solid red with a green stripe.  I love this apron!  LOL


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