Thursday, March 17, 2011

His Eye is on the Sparrow Cake

I used the recipe for my lemon meringue cupcakes from here: to make the "center piece" cake of the cupcakes. Please excuse the quality of some of the pictures, thay are kind of fuzzy.   I started by making the nest first.  I added some gumpaste mix to my fondant and formed a "nest" shape over a bowl.  Next time I will put crumpled aluminum foil over the bowl first to give texture to the inside of the nest. 

Then I used crumpled aluminum foil to add texture to the nest by pressing it on top of the nest.  Then I rolled several "snakes" in varying lengths to put around the nest for a "twiggy" look.  I used lemon extract to stick on the twigs.  I used the aluminum foil to press the twigs on with to add more texture.  I've never seen a smooth nest before so I tried to give it as much texture as possible.  I let it dry overnight, I really should have made it a couple of days before, but I forgot.

 I found several pictures online of birds made from fondant that I liked.  I started with the body and "pulled" the tail out from the back.  I used the back of my palette knife to mark lines in the tail to look like feathers.  I had the birds' tails resting on the edge of my tray to dry so they wouldn't droop.

I then broke a toothpick in half (some people would suggest using a piece of spaghetti) and stuck it in the body where I wanted the head to go.  When I made the head, I made a ball then elongated it just a tad bit.  I used the extract on the head where I wanted it to stick to the body.  When I made the beak I rolled a cone, then stuck my knife in the middle to open it a little. and attached it and two little black dots (eyes) to the head .  For the wings, I rolled a tear drop shape and then rolled it smooth with a roller.  Then I used the back of my palette knife again to make feathers.  I pulled some of the wings out to give it a more realistic look.

 I got the cutest baby mold here:         from Decorate the Cake.  I had been wanting to use this mold for the longest time!  I used copper color to make flesh coloring for the babies.  I made two babies for the nest since it was a double shower for two ladies.  Roll a sausage shape of the flesh colored fondant and press into the mold.  Here is a picture of the mold from Decorate the Cake's website.

 I read a great tip from Cake Central, after you put the fondant in the mold, put it in the freezer for ten minutes to harden, then it pops right out with no problems.  Let it dry before touching it to avoid fingerprints.  Use your palette knife to trim any excess fondant and any other areas that might need it.  Make sure you do not have any creases in the fondant, or it will show up on your baby.  That is why one of the babies have a hat.  I used carob powder to make the hair  and added a touch of dusting powder to the cheeks.  Aren't they adorable?

I used cutters to make the flowers and leaves.  When I noticed how terrible the inside of the nest looked, I added some toasted coconut.  I think it actually looked better with the coconut.  I waited until I got the shower and put a grapevine wreath on the green cake plate I picked up on clearance at Hobby Lobby for $7.  (Oh, I put the 6 in cake on a 7 in plastic cake plate.)  I iced the cake with IMBC, but the humidity made the icing "wet" and it would not smooth on, so I grabbed my airbrush gun and made the cake look like a tree top instead.  :) Sometimes mistakes turn out better then your original thought!  I really enjoyed making this cake!  For more about the shower go here:

I hope this tutrial will you help you with your next cake!  Any questions, feel free to ask, but you will have to leave me your email add. if you want a reply!
Happy baking!


  1. Lovely! This is perfect for spring.

  2. This is amazing! What a wonderful job!
    ~your new follower :)

  3. Such a great follower btw--connie,

  4. This is sooooo sweet!! I just love all the different parts - it makes such a pretty cake!
    Thanks so much for linking it up to Think Pink Sundays at Flamingo Toes!

  5. That is so gorgeous! Looks like it took a lot of work and skill!

  6. That is probably the sweetest little cake I have ever seen. So original and very nicely done! You are an amazing cake decorator. I saw your cake on Flamingo Toes,and just had to tell you how beautiful it is.

  7. This is so. darn. cool. All tose little details are absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing the how- to. I know I will never make a cake like this, but model clay is always an option! Love those birdies <3

  8. I would like to thank everybody for all of the sweet comments!

  9. This is just gorgeous! I've featured you today at Craftastic Monday. Stop by & grab a Featured On button when you can & can't wait to see what you link up next:)


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