Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day Video

Here is a picture of my dad, my mom, my sister at 3 yrs and 2 wks and me at 2 wks.  My sister is 3 yrs and one day older than me!

With Mother's day coming up, I thought I would share some thoughts about my mother. My mother probably won't be happy about the first picture, but I had to share it anyways!  We went to the stockyards in Ft. Worth and had a lot of fun!   No, my mother did not teach me how to cook, but that's ok because she was a single mother who had to work.  My parents were divorced when I was 8 and my sister was 11.  My mother did not have a job at the time, but jumped right in and got a job at a daycare and was able to take me to work with her when I was not in school.  We had to go on welfare at first to feed us, but my mother faought hard to get us off welfare as soon as possible.  She was able to go to nursing school at night and was soon able to get a better job.  We didn't have much money, but my mom would always make sure she had time to spend with us.  We knew she loved us.  I remember how when it would rain she would put bathing suits on us and send us outside to play in the mud, she would then hose us off before letting us back in the house.  She let us be kids, which was very important!  I love my mother and thank God every day for her!  Happy Mother's day Mom!
A friend of my mine, Julia Marroquin sang this song at church and I would like to share it with ya'll.
Here is a picture of me, my mom, my sister, Thresia, and my grandmother at my wedding.

My mom does not get to spend much time with me since I have grown up, married and moved away, but she still tries to come and spend time with us when possible.  She came to visit once when I was still living in Erie and we went to Niagara Falls and made a lot of good memories!

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