Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July dresses

I'm sorry it's been so long since you have heard from me!  We had a 4th of July program at church on Monday and I helped sew two of the dresses.  I made some changes from the original pattern, it was from the 70's.  It had a high collar and long sleeves.  It took me a few tries to make the collar the way I wanted them.
My 15 year old nephew has been visiting this week and we went roller blading Tuesday morning.  There was a small hill, and I thought I would be fine, but I started going too fast and realized I needed to stop before I was going even faster.  To make a long story short, I ran into a trash can, knocked it over, landed on my bottom and sprained my wrist!  At least I'm pretty sure it is a sprain, I don't have insurance and nothing seems to be broken so I didn't get it checked.  Please pray the Lord heals it without any complications.
I'm going to Florida next week and I don't want to be encumbered by a sprained hand!  I also have an order for 5 aprons to make!
I hope you are enjoying your summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're healing up nicely, Roller Derby Girl! The dresses are adorable:)

    Hope you have a wonderful trip to Florida!



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