Monday, August 1, 2011

Ft. Sumter

On our way home from Orlando, we stopped in Charleston to visit a couple of friends.  On Saturday we went to Ft. Sumter with our friend Zeke. All the pictures have a wter spot on the lens!  This is the ferry we took for our 30 minute ride across Charleston Harbor.

Here is Chris and Zeke.  Zeke intoduced us and we will be married for 16 years on Aug. 5.
Here is Chris standing in front of the battery in Ft. Sumter which was added later, after the Civil War.  They have a nice museum in there.

Here I am standing in front of a fireplace in Ft. Sumter.  I bet they did a lot of their cooking here and had a fresh pot of coffee going most of the time.  Remember my dress that I made?  It was so nice and cool to wear on such a hot day.
Here are a couple of the cannons.
Here is Zeke and Chris standing on top of the battery with Charleston Harbor in the background.

I'll finish up this post with all of the flags flying at Ft. Sumter.
Thank ya'll for looking!

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