Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nursing Cover

I think a nursing cover is just like an apron that is made for modesty.  These are great for mothers who are still nursing.  This is my second nursing cover I have made.  I made my first one for Skye here: and she said to make the casing for the boning smaller and use D-Rings for adjustability (probably not a word, but it fits)on the neck tie. 
Clarissa wanted to give Ashley a nursing cover for her baby shower (remember the monkey cake?)  Ashley had the material, a curtain and a pair of brown scrub pants.  Material can be cheap if you think outside of the box and re-purpose things.
I cut the pocket off of the pants and sewed it onto the cover.  I sat down and put the cover on and put my hand on my leg to decide where to put the pocket.  This way the pocket is convenient while she is nursing.
Have you ever wondered what boning is?  Well, I had no idea!  It is the thing that makes the cover stick out for the mother to see the baby while nursing.
See how it sticks out on top?  (Don't look at my fabric stash, that is what built up while my hand was healing.)  Well, boning is what you use to make a corset.  It is a piece of plastic wrapped in fabric and you cut it to size.  A package is about $5.
This is what the piece I cut off looks like.  Be sure to cut a small piece of the plastic off so you can sew up the ends of the fabric, otherwise when you put it through your casing the plastic will come out, and I didn't want to poke Ashley.
I got a new ruffler foot, I'll tell you more about it tomorrow.  It was my first project to use it on and the ruffle was longer then what I needed.  Instead of cutting it off I wound it up and over the side.  I really liked the way this looked and sewed it on.  I made the ruffle out of the scrub pants.  It took me a minute to make my ruffle!
So easy to make now that I know what I'm doing!
Happy sewing!

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