Saturday, October 15, 2011

Book giveaway

I'm having a book giveaway over on my book blog, so be sure to hop on over and enter to win Book of Dreams by Davis Bunn!

I've had a pretty busy week and I have a lot to blog about!

Last week an acquaintance passed away.  He was the brother and son of very dear friends of mine at church.  Our church came out to support them in this tragic time of death.  The funeral was on Monday, I helped with the reception following the funeral.  I was grateful for the distraction it provided.  Praise the Lord he had asked the Lord to come into his heart and to save him from his sins.  ""For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  For the scripture saith, whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Romans 10:10, 11, 13

Tuesday I had quilting class.

Wednesday I taught a baking class to two young ladies from church.

Thursday I was home and cleaned and rearranged my living room with church that night.  (I know weird night to have church  LOL)

Friday I helped and fellowshipped with a friend from church. 

I have had a busy week, but I promise to download all of my pictures, sort through them and blog about them next week!

Don't forget to enter my book giveaway and have a great weekend ya'll!  I'll share a picture of my cats, ya'll don't mind do ya'll?
I'm kitten sitting Pippi's two brothers.  Here is Pippi (the black calico) and Splash and Frosty.  She's the only odd ball of the bunch!  This also means that I have eight cats running around my house this week!  Talk about total chaos on top of the rest of my week, but that's ok, it's been fun.

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