Thursday, December 15, 2011

TX Tech Rag Quilt is finished!

I finished my sister's Christmas present!  I know I am cutting it close, especially since I have to mail it Saturday.  PTL it does not have far to go!  I meant to have it finished last week but when my friend passed it away I lost a week of sewing, I just was not in the mood.
My mom sent me this Texas Tech material this past summer to make her nursing scrubs, but she lost her job right after I got it.  My family lives in Lubbock, they are big Tech fans of course.  My sister's husband is a professor there, so she has an extra dose of loyalty going there.  I told my mom I could make my sister a quilt for Christmas with it.  The next step was deciding which black and white material to use. 
After I cut the blocks in 6 inch squares I laid them on the floor to decide which design to go with.  This was one of my options.

 I then took an old red fleece blanket and cut it in squares, it went behind the black and white polka dots so that the red from the fleece and the red from the Tech material gave me red on every other square.  I also took another old black fleece blanket and some fleece I got at a thrift store for the rest of my squares.
This is the pattern I decided to go with.  I did not have much of the big diamonds or the fleur de lis.  They came out of a quilt kit my husband had bought for me on clearance.  I like the way it broke up the pattern, those two patterns came out to being the same amount as the other patterns.

After I decided on my design, I picked up each row and numbered them with a straight pin through each pile to keep them in order.
I sewed one row at a time and put my numbers back on each row to keep them in order.  After spending an hour deciding on my order I didn't want them messed up!  LOL
I then sewed my rows together.  Remember if you want to sew a rag quilt that you need to sew the pieces together wrong sides together and with 1/2 inch seams.
I really like sewing machine pictures!  LOL
This is what it looked like after I snipped my seams and before I washed it.  It took me all day snipping those seams!  I definitely want a pair of snippers before I make another.  (I've mentioned this to my husband several times, do you think he will get the hint and buy me a pair for Christmas?)

It even made a really cool design on the back!
Here's the quilt close up.  See the red flannel sticking through?  Do you think my sister will like it?
Have a Merry Christmas!


  1. Missy, I love it, very, very nice. I love the way you pieced it together. Red & orange are my favorite colors to put in quilts. Nice job. Your sister is going to love it.

  2. Love the design you have created and the black and white with red colour scheme!!!

  3. I love your rag quilt. Beautiful colours. I've also just finished making my first one and am hooked. Hope you got your snipers I need some too.

  4. With all the snow outside right now I'd love to grab this quilt and snuggle up on the couch. Looks toasty warm!

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