Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Raw Avocado Soup

I really wanted something Mexican for supper last night but I am still eating raw foods, 2 days down and 8 to go! 
I put a whole avocado (minus the peel of course) in my blender with one garlic clove (I could have even used 2), a sliver of fresh red pepper, (It was almost too hot to handle), a dash of taco seasoning or chili powder and a dash of cumin and salt.  I also squeezed half a lemon in it.  I blended this with 3/4 cup of water until soupy.  (Is that a word?)
I added a whole plum tomato (any kind will work), and about 1/4 of an onion and threw it into the blender just to chop and blend a little.

It was delicious, it would be great with some cilantro if I had some, you can even use it as a salad dressing!
I ate it dipping celery stalks in it.  3 celery stalks dipped in my soup filled me up for supper last night.  For dessert I had one of my raw carob peanut butter balls.  (Just one!  LOL)

Are you still getting hungry?  Raw nuts are great for filling you up, don't eat more than a handful at a time though because they are full of fat, which is what makes you feel full.  I also have a snack twice a day of either an apple, pear, orange, carrots, nuts, etc.  Be careful if you are juicing your fruits instead of eating them, because they have "more carbs" that way.  I read in the South Beach Diet book once that when you eat your fruit your digestive system has to work harder to digest the carbs, therefore you do not retain as many carbs, whereas if you juice it, your digestive system does not have to do as much work and more carbs are retained.  I'm not cutting out carbs, but too many carbs are not good for you either.
Here is a quote I found "Fruit juices are in general a sugar-rich product. The manufacturers take the fiber rich fruit, leave behind all the fiber, and all you get are the fruit sugars and colors.
Sad to say, the carb counts on many fruit juices are similar to that of regular Coke, which has 30g carbs per 8oz glass! In addition, the acids are known to eat away at your teeth, causing them to decay more quickly.
All in all, it's far better to eat the raw fruit, to get its full fiber and nutrition."
Think about all the pulp that is left behind when you juice, I bet that is a lot of vitamins and fiber that your body needs!  Now don't get me wrong, I love juice and it is a quick way to get the vitamins you need, I'm saying just don't give up eating your fruits and veggies too.
Today for lunch, I am going to chop up another plum tomato and add some frozen corn, thawed to room temperature and cover liberally with my avocado soup and maybe add another garlic clove since garlic is so good for you!
For a true raw food fast, you have to eliminate all dairy products (sour cream, cheese, milk, mayonnaise, etc.) for your body to detox.  I am doing only raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  The only sweeteners I am allowing myself is a tiny bit of honey or agave nectar.  No palm sugar even!  I am drinking lots of herbal teas and water also.  Payday, I am going to get some grape juice also.

I hope this information helps, I'll give you another recipe and some more tips tomorrow!


  1. What a great project! Nom, nom, nom! Won't you consider sharing it with my readers at Thanks! Happy New Year!


  2. I'm not usually a fan of avocados, but this looks super-yummy, and I know my husband would LOVE it!

  3. this looks so good and easy


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