Monday, January 30, 2012

Surviving Off Grid Documentary

Surviving Off Off-Grid
Can you imagine living without having to ask for anything from utility companies, grocery stores and supplying everything you need yourself?  Well, it can be done!
Have you heard of the book Surviving Off-Off-Grid by Michael Bunker?  It is a really good book and if you are an Amazon Prime member you can get it free on Amazon for your kindle right now.  Don't have a kindle?  That's ok, you can download a free kindle app either onto your phone or computer.  If you are like me and am not a prime member, don't worry, you can still get an ebook for only $6.99.  Of course it is also available in paperback too.
Even better than that, how would you like to see a documentary done on the book?  I have a good friend who is trying to raise the support to film a documentary on it.
This is the first film of it's kind, wouldn't it be awesome to be on the ground floor of such a great documentary?
"Our goal is to produce a 60 minute documentary DVD based on the bestseller Surviving Off Off-Grid: Decolonizing the Industrial Mind by Michael Bunker. The documentary will include interviews with the author as well as other well known individuals in the agrarian lifestyle community. This film will be distinguished from others in the genre by exploring the concept of living off off-grid. Whereas many folks in the survivalist community discuss escaping the electrical grid by creating one’s own personal grid with solar or wind power, this project will explain the concept of living without an electrical grid at all. This idea revolutionizes the concept of survival from being able to merely survive until everything goes back to "normal", to actually learning to thrive without using electricity, and other modern "necessities".
In addition, the documentary will describe how civilizations throughout history have declined when they left their agrarian roots and engaged in over specialization and urbanization. The similarities between these historical civilizations and the modern industrialized Western world will be explored, with an emphasis on warning of the consequences that occur when a society leaves its agrarian traditions.
Writers, producers, and directors have already been identified. The cooperation of the author of the book in promoting this project through his network has been secured. The only thing this project needs to go forward is funding. More information about the book on which the documentary will be based can be found at the off off-grid website:
The documentary project has an aggressive schedule and is targeted to be completed by the summer of 2012."
If you would like to be a supporter go here:
There are all kinds of neat things you can get if you help to back this film.
Be sure to pray about it and see if this is something God might have you do!


  1. Stopped by from the Barn Hop and had to say that yes, I have the book, loved it, and don't get the 'off grid' thing. Now off off-grid? That I get!

    Excited about the documentary, will have to keep my eyes and ears open!

  2. I have this book too but did not realize a documentary is coming exciting! Thanks so much for the review and for linking up to the Ole' Saturday Homesteading Trading Post at Lil' Suburban Homestead!

  3. My first time stopping in. This is an interesting concept, that I have never thought to much about. It does make a lot of since!

  4. Thank you for the wonderful information. I am going to go get it for my Kindle just as soon as I am done writing this comment. Thanks you too, for linking up this helpful post to the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop.

  5. Thank you for the recommendation. My library has the book, so I placed a hold so I can check it out. :)

    -Laura at TenThingsFarm


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