Friday, February 3, 2012

What a terrible day!

I have had a terrible day!  Want to hear about it?
Well, I feel like talking about it.  Today was a very full day.  I had to leave at 7am to take my husband to work 30 minutes away so that I could have the car.  He works in Burleson and my quilt block of the month demo is in Burleson.  This afternoon, I had to meet with my friends to sew on the birdhouse quilt.  This was my plans!

It started before we even left the house.  My kitten Pippi, ate a hole in one of my favorite socks.  (I know, very weird!  I think she's part chihuaha sometimes)

Right after we left I realized that I forgot my bag that had rows from the quilt that we needed to sew on today.  That was the first strike of the day.

I dropped my husband off at work and was on my way to Wal-Mart to hang out until 9:00 when the quilt shop opened.  At 8am this morning I was driving along minding my own business when out of nowhere from the right I see a blur of white coming straight at me and before I had a chance to hit the horn and warn him that I was there I felt a horrific jolt and my car started spinning to the left.  In just a split second, I was in the turning lane facing the other side of the street and the white car was in the lane of opposing traffic facing me!  I was dazed and did not know what to do so I grabbed my phone and called 911.  We both just sat there stunned for a moment and then I pulled my car into a parking lot, didn't even have to turn since I was already facing the parking lot.

What happened is that it was raining and the car in front of the guy stopped quickly and I was in his blind spot so he didn't see me when he swerved into my lane to avoid the other car.  He was really nice though and very concerned about me.
My friend Skye picked me up from my husband's work place to take me to the church for our Sewing circle.  We had to run by my house to pick up the fabric I forgot, we were 45 min. late.  I had planned on finishing the top and the bottom of the quilt today.  We had another problem, since we had so many people working on it, not every row was the exact same length, which means that not every sash lined up.  To be honest after being on the phone all day with insurance adjuster, car rentals and more - I could not handle one more problem to solve.  I just turned the whole top over to Skye and told her to fix it any way she wanted to.  I just started working on the back, it was a lot easier to figure out.  We never did finish, I took the quilt back to finish at home because my ride to Enterprise was ready to leave.  After getting the rental car I got home after 6.   I have just spent the rest of the evening sitting in my big, green comfy chair catching up on the internet.

To end the day, the band on my watch broke and I stepped in cat throw up.  I just started laughing and crying at the same time while my husband just looked at me as if I was going crazy.
But "rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice"
Tomorrow will be a great day!

The good news is "it could always be worse!"  That was my favorite book as a kid!  LOL

Have a great day ya'll!

This should make you smile!
This is my Tiger as a kitten.


  1. Oh, goodness, we all have those days! Thank heavens you weren't hurt.

  2. I've had that day before. One of my very first blog posts was about when my hubby ran his car into the back of my SUV on the way to church. I'm the one who had to deal with insurance and car problems for both cars, AND, he got a nice new car out of it. Oh well, be glad no one was hurt. Oh yea, love the newest machine and cabinet. Clean that White up and see if she sews, THEN make your decision about if the Janome goes in there.

  3. aren't you kind of glad at the end of the day, that it is over? What a pain for you!!


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