Friday, March 16, 2012

Apron Giveaway

I think we need to celebrate!  Not only is the quilt finished, but through linky, GFC and networked blogs I have 115 followers, and those are only the ones I know about!  When I started this blog I thought the only ones who would ever read it were my friends and family but non of them "follow" my blog (I send them the links).  I started this blog because I like to talk and love to teach.  I had to stop teaching full-time because of my asthma and only get to teach my midweek child's bible study class now.  I really do not have much "head knowledge" on this stuff, but love to share what I learn.  I was not trained to be a homemaker growing up, my mom was a single mother who worked.  I couldn't even cook very well when I got married.  (Thank you cooking videos, cook books and older friends who were willing to help!)  Now that I am a full-time homemaker I am learning how to cook from scratch, sew, quilt and other things I never had time for before.  (Did I mention that I am busier now than when I worked?)  If I could only get the housecleaning under control - but I'm working on it!  This is why we decided that I needed to be a keeper of the home.
Titus 2:5  "To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed"
This verse is a hard verse to live and one that I am always striving to emulate.  I've only been home for four years and love having a hot, healthy meal ready for my husband when he gets home.   I love being able to sew my own clothes (although I am still slow at it), learning to quilt is a blast, and being able to see something I can't afford and saying "I can make that!"  Is it perfect?  No, but that's okay because I'm having fun!  I'm not stressed and my asthma is under control.  I am still waiting for children to adopt but it is all in the Lord's time (even though I do get antsy about it).
Okay, so enough talking and on to the giveaway!
Thank you Joeann for being my model!  I am giving away one of my "napkin" aprons.  The giveaway will be open through Monday and I will announce the winner on Tuesday.

To win the apron, leave me a comment telling me how you follow and any homemaking tips you have.  I just might do a blog post sharing them!  There are several ways to follow me, through email, blogger, Google Friend Connect and Linky.  There is also Networked Blogs, but I miss a lot of posts of the blogs I follow through that because they don't always show up on FB - so it is not reliable.  Just look to the left of my blog to join!
For an extra entry, share this giveaway, either through facebook or any way you want.  Just leave me another comment telling me how you shared.  This giveaway is for my followers only, so you must follow me to be entered in the giveaway.  There are a couple of blogs hosting blog hops for giveaways, but did not join because I decided this would be a way to reward my faithful followers.

Thank you all for listening to my rambles on my blog and have a great weekend!


  1. Wonderful aprons and congrats on all your new followers!
    You are the winner of my giveaway, check out my new post!
    Quilting by the River

  2. I follow you through GFC. I have found the one thing that keeps me from finishing my housework is the computer. I get caught up in inspirations and stay on too long...LOL! I have a timer set by my laptop, and I set it for 15 minutes. When it goes off I can't come back for an hour. It has worked very well and Hubby has commented about how much I have accomplished while he is gone. Thank you for such a cute giveaway!

  3. I started my blog almost three months ago for similar reason. Loving to share with others and needing a place to store my stuff! And I know what you mean, only my sister and wife follow my blog, the only thing I can think of is were I talk so much to everybody else they already know what I have posted, lol! Congrads on your blog, If I would win I would give it to my wife, she loves them!

  4. Cute apron! I think I found your blog through following a link on pinterest. I follow you through RSS feed on Google Reader so I can see what the new items are to read from all the blogs I follow. It is great.

    Homemaking - I try to do one small thing each day - spend 30 minutes sewing or crocheting or cooking. I like the idea of the timer. I think I need to try that.

  5. Congrats on your new followers. I follow through blogger. I love, love aprons. Homemaking tip: I prepack snacks & veggies in ziplock bags for the week for my kids lunch. It minimizes the time for making their lunch.

    I will mention your giveaway on my blog!


  6. You'd think I'd have a homemaking tip after being a stay at home mom for so long, but I can't think of anything brilliant.

    Lean how to take apart your vaccuum cleaner to unclog it? Keep your own screwdriver hidden for taking the vaccuum cleaner apart?

    I really should have better ideas than this!

  7. I am a happy follower of your blog.
    A housekeeping tip that I do, is
    devote one hour each morning to picking up around the house. This
    does help me to be more organized,
    and things don't get out of hand
    so fast. Thanks for the chance
    to win!!

  8. Missy, I love your blog, which I follow on Blogger.

    My favorite housekeeping tip is to recycle everything. Worn out clothes become new quilts, quick wipes, or other clothes.


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