Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reader's Homemaking Tips and a winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway!  I wanted to share some of the homemaking tips that were shared.

OhioMomPatriot said:  " I have found the one thing that keeps me from finishing my housework is the computer. I get caught up in inspirations and stay on too long...LOL! I have a timer set by my laptop, and I set it for 15 minutes. When it goes off I can't come back for an hour. It has worked very well and Hubby has commented about how much I have accomplished while he is gone. "
(I did this for a while, don't know why I stopped, I need to start again)

Carla's Inspirations said: "Homemaking - I try to do one small thing each day - spend 30 minutes sewing or crocheting or cooking. I like the idea of the timer.  I think I need to try that"
(good idea, maybe I could get more sewing done that way!)

Michelle said:  "Learn how to take apart your vaccuum cleaner to unclog it? Keep your own screwdriver hidden for taking the vaccuum cleaner apart? "
(I always make my husband unclog my vacuum.  You should see all the long red hair that gets wound around the brush.  I think I shed more than my six cats combined!  This is a good idea though so that I don't have to wait for my husband to get home, and I do have a small hammer hidden in my desk drawer)

Rhonda D. said:  "A housekeeping tip that I do, is devote one hour each morning to picking up around the house. This does help me to be more organized, and things don't get out of hand so fast."
(What a good idea, I usually do my computer stuff first and then I don't always get to my cleaning duties)

XO said:  "Homemaking tip: I prepack snacks & veggies in ziplock bags for the week for my kids lunch. It minimizes the time for making their lunch."
(I do that sometimes for my husband when I make a batch of cookies, then put them in the freezer to keep them fresh)

Angie said:  "My favorite housekeeping tip is to recycle everything. Worn out clothes become new quilts, quick wipes, or other clothes. "
(I do this some when I'm sewing, my friend was going to trash an old skirt because it was too tight, I told her to cut it down and make a skirt for her daughter with it!)

I just got home from being gone all day.  I numbered the comments from 1-9 (one person got an extra entry for mentioning the giveaway on her blog).  I put the numbers on pieces of paper and mixed them up and had my husband pull a number out (he thoroughly enjoyed swishing the papers out of my hand, onto the floor, until I only had one left in my hand).  He picked #1!  Connie from Quilting by the River won my giveaway!  Congrats, send me your shipping address and I will send you the apron.

Happy Spring everyone!

Pippi's homemaking tip is to always unroll the toilet paper and leave it in a pile on the floor!


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