Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TOGA 2012

I went to the North East TX TOGA (treadle on gathering academy) on Saturday.  It was in Lone Oak, TX out in the country.  GPS had us take the long way on the dirt roads to get there.  It took us straight to an empty field!  LOL  We did finally make it.
 I did not know what to expect since I had never been to one before.  Some people brought treadles, heads, hand cranks, vintage machines, accessories, etc. to sell.
 There were even some $5 heads there.  Just because it is old, does not mean it is worth a lot of money.
 I have lots of pictures for you to look at.  It was also a quilting retreat and people brought stuff with them to work on.  Next year I'm going by myself and staying both days.

 These are parlor cabinets.  I forgot to open one so you could see inside.  They have treadles inside.
 Here I am working on my machine.  Margaret helped me learn how to thread it and wind the shuttle and get my bobbin winder working.  She was such a blessing!

 Here are some treadles that were there.  For the most part people brought hand cranks to work on.

 I sewed on this one, and it was so smooth.  It sewed like a dream.  I have a video demonstrating it, I'll share in another post.
 Here are a couple of hand cranks with a more "modern" look.

 There was even a couple of old Berninas there.

 Look at the beautiful decals on this one!

 This is an electric machine.  It is called a chain stitcher.  It made beautiful decorative stitches.  Yes, somebody was selling this one!  I got to sew on this one too, but just a line.

 I need a dental pick like this, you would not believe all the crud it scraped off my machine even after all of the hours I spent cleaning it!
 My poor machine looks terrible, everybody else's were so pretty.  This is my bobbin winder with my bobbin in it.  Since I have a vibrating shuttle it does not look like a normal bobbin.
 I got to sew on this hand crank!  I made the bag there on it.  You would not believe the perfect, even stitches!  I want one, but of course it will be a while before I can afford to buy one.
I have a couple more posts to share, but thought this one was long enough!  I hope you enjoyed looking at all these great machines!
Keep treadling,


  1. Oh, Missy, looks like you had quite a day! I think it's really great that you're working so hard to know and understand your treadle - kind of a new passion that dovetails well with the rest of your interests. Fun!

  2. Oh wow! I am drooling over all those beautiful machines. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pics with us.

  3. I am hoping that the TOGA will be close to southeast Missouri some
    day. I want to get a hand crank
    machine some day, too! I already
    have a treadle I quilt with. So
    glad you had a wonderful time!!


  4. What a fantastic post,
    love all the old sewing machines!

  5. They are all so lovely. The bright color decal or paint is so vivid against the black. Glad mine is electric!!

  6. Sewing machin


    welcome ;)

  7. Lovely! Beautiful sewing machines :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  8. So very interesting, really enjoyed your post. Visiting from VTT.
    Uh oh, I see you have word verification, I have trouble reading them, so hope this goes.

  9. Some of them are beautiful - the Singer with the red flowers. But some, honestly, how do you know where to start? Thanks for taking us along.

  10. How much fun! I have never seen so many old machines in one place! What a great post. Thank you.

  11. Wow what a fun day. I have never seen anything like this before. Thanks for taking us along.

    Jocelyn @

  12. This was such a fun post to read! I hope to be able to attend the gathering in June this year.


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