Wednesday, May 30, 2012

malware fixed

Well, the background (which I loved) was blocking my blog saying it had a malware and could infect things.  This showed up through Google Chrome and I could not even get into my blog!  I went in through Internet Explorer to fix it.  The problem was that I could not remember how I had put that background on!  I worked on it all day.  Finally tonight I asked my husband for help, he is a techy kind of guy but does not know blogs.  As soon as he started helping me I remembered how I had installed it and just deleted it off of my blog.  So now I have a boring background and need to find another background, I really liked that quilt background!
I thought of using a picture of a pink and blue wall hanging I had made, but I don't know how to do that or if the picture is big enough..  I'll keep working on it. If you have suggestions let me know! I have a few posts that I still need to write though!
I'll leave you with a cute cat picture, I hope you don't mind!
Pippi at one year old, weighing 10 pounds already! ( if my scales are right)

Muffin and Tiger at 2 1/2 weighing 12 and 15 pounds

Pippi when we first got her  and Muffin and Tiger.  They are great big brothers!
Sorry about the inconvenience of the malware and have a great day, I'll be writing a post on a glasses case tomorrow.  In case you missed yesterday's post, I wrote a tutorial on a ruffled purse.
Have a great day!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I have a hexagon update for you.  I must admit that I never thought I would enjoy hand piecing, but I actually love it!  I'm still slow, but I am getting faster at it!
I have 11 flowers sewn together.  I will have navy blue between all the flowers.  I laid the flowers out on a twin size sheet.  It was originally going to be a throw, but looks like it is going to be a little bigger than a twin size sheet.  After I get the top sewn together, I will measure it and decide whether or not I will add a border.  I don't have a pattern, I'm just making it up as I go.  First Pippi and Boots wanted to help me with the placements of the flowers.
 Here I have eight flowers across the top and I would put eight across the bottom.
 I think I want to put two flowers on each side of the panel also.    This will make it wider than a twin size sheet.
 This means I will have eight flowers on each side, two rows at the top and bottom of four each.  If I counted it right, I have nine flowers left to make.
I have two more flower sets cut and ready to sew.  I have also cut some red hexies and purple hexies, but I am not sure if the red hexies match?  I bought a blue batik to cut some more hexies from.  Should I make the last seven flowers out of the blue, red and purple, or just the blue and purple?
I have the red hexies between the blue and the panel.  My goal is to be finished with the top by the end of June so that I can work on the hand quilting while on vacation in July.
Thank you for joining me today!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heart Quilt Shop

I found another cute quilt shop on the way home from Missouri.  It has to be the cutest quilt shop I have ever seen!
 I love the log cabin!~  We were driving down the Highway and saw it.  It is at 8874 HWY 62 West, Harrison, AR
 A husband and wife team make all the quilts.  Brian and Tena, she does the piecing and he does the quilting.  They even have quilts for men, like this camouflage one.
 Every corner of space is filled, this is the checkout area.
 My husband loved this quilt.  They call the pattern "log cabin windows", it is made with flannel and super soft.
 Here is a lighter colored version.
 I really like the colors in this green quilt.
 I love the sock monkeys, they also had sock monkey quilts, material and kits!
 This has to be the cutest bag holder ever!
 I love the quilting on this one.
 These flowers were appliqued on.  (I just noticed I was in the picture!  Please don't look, I had been traveling and I forgot my makeup at home!)
 My mom would love this butterfly one.
They also sold some material, pin cushions, etc.  I bought a cute pair of scissors.  Here is their website  I hope you enjoyed browsing through their quilt shop as much as I did!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fabric selections

If you don't mind, before we get to our post, I want to tell you about Groupons.  Most of you already have Groupons, but if you don't it is a great way to save money.  Go here and use me as a referal and the first time you buy one, I will get a $10 credit towards my next Groupon.  It is like buying coupons.  Last year we bought Dallas zoo tickets for $1, Dinosaur World tickets for $5, Old Navy coupon worth $20, we paid $10 for it.  We just bought ones for our local health food store, they are worth $20, but we paid $10.  They have coupons on food, restaurants, stores, vacations, goods, etc.  Some are good some are okay.  I've seen ones for fitness, glasses, Invisilign, Teeth whitening, chiropractors, massages, all kinds of things!  In fact in my other account I am watching ones from San Diego for my trip this summer.  I'm trying to find a good coupon for the zoo.  It does not cost anything to join.

I am making a purse for this summer.  I want to make one of those ruffled purses I have seen everywhere.  I am terrible about deciding what fabrics to use though!  I can't decide if I want to do a summery theme with fruit and gingham, or if I want to go softer with flowers.  I am 38 years old, so I'm not sure if I am too old for the fruit, even though I like!  LOL  Let me know what you think and I will write up a tutorial as soon as I get it made.



I will definitely need to put a pocket on the side of the purse for my water bottle, it is too hot in TX to go anywhere without a water bottle!  I have never been any good with fabric selections and have a hard time putting them together.  I'm not really sure if the yellow goes with the pink and purple, but thought it added a different element to it.
Thank you for your help!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Design Wall Monday #2

I wanted to share my Block of the Month Blocks.
 I have only finished five of them, I had problems with two of them since I had just started quilting when I made them.  I made a small design wall in my dining room to keep them.  That is where I do all of my sewing anyways, and might as well display them until I quilt them.   My husband suggested using the yarn and clothespins.   I think the first one is my favorite.
I moved my treadle to a better place to start practicing my treadling.  It is hard to get the rhythm!  Muffin modeled my machine for me and I can't decide whichpicture I like best.  What do you think?





I'm thinking of maybe posting the picture as a permanent picture on my blog.  He makes a great model - well sometimes he does!
Thank you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sewing the Hexagons

 I was sewing on my hexagons in the car on the way home from Missouri and wanted to share how I decided to sew my hexagons together.   I am using a 3 1/2 inch hexagon template I got from Joann's Fabric store.  I marked a 1/4 inch seam allowance and am just doing a running stitch to sew them together.
Next I take the middle section of the flower, and sew the hexies together.  I leave one side open, this allows easier sewing of the center of the flower.
 I take the middle and start sewing it on at one of the open ends of the middle part.
 This is what it looks like after I have sewn two sides on.
 Here is a picture after sewing all six sides to the middle flower.  I then sew up the open side.
 I do the outer flower next.  I sew it it opposite of how I sewed the middle flower.  I leave the sides open and sew them onto the middle flower.  Can you tell what I am saying from the pictures?
 Just be careful if you are sewing these together in the car after a very long vacation that you don't make a stupid mistake like me.  Every other petal is sewn onto two hexies and then one hexies.  The two hexies form a v and the "corner" of a hexie fits in there perfect.  Well, I was tired and actually sewed a new petal onto every side!  It took me a few minutes to figure out why I ran out of hexies!  I had already sewn about ten of these hexies without making that mistake!
When you are done you will have 1 hexie in the center, six in the middle and twelve on the outside.  They have come out to be 16 1/2 inches.  This is what the finished flower looks like.  I'll show you an update later on how many I have finished.

I hope this tutorial makes sense!  I have just been figuring this out as I go, so I am not an expert in any way.
For an update on this quilt, go here:
I am open to suggestions and questions!
Happy quilting!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dogwood Quilting Quilt Shop

While in Missouri, my husband was sweet enough to stop and let me look at some quilt shops.  We stopped in one at Ava, MO.  It was called Dogwood Quilting.
I had fun looking at all of the quilts. 

 I loved their shelves and the way it was organized.

I just had to laugh, it was a small town and I'm sure they are not used to having strangers there and the young lady followed us through the entire store.
We do not have internet this week, so I'm sorry about the lack of posts.  If you made a comment on my blog, I try to answer all comments, but I'm not sure if my replies went through on my phone while I was out of town, so I'm sorry if I did not reply!
I hope you enjoyed this eye candy today!