Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fabric selections

If you don't mind, before we get to our post, I want to tell you about Groupons.  Most of you already have Groupons, but if you don't it is a great way to save money.  Go here http://www.groupon.com/users/milinda-shay-2/referrals and use me as a referal and the first time you buy one, I will get a $10 credit towards my next Groupon.  It is like buying coupons.  Last year we bought Dallas zoo tickets for $1, Dinosaur World tickets for $5, Old Navy coupon worth $20, we paid $10 for it.  We just bought ones for our local health food store, they are worth $20, but we paid $10.  They have coupons on food, restaurants, stores, vacations, goods, etc.  Some are good some are okay.  I've seen ones for fitness, glasses, Invisilign, Teeth whitening, chiropractors, massages, all kinds of things!  In fact in my other account I am watching ones from San Diego for my trip this summer.  I'm trying to find a good coupon for the zoo.  It does not cost anything to join.

I am making a purse for this summer.  I want to make one of those ruffled purses I have seen everywhere.  I am terrible about deciding what fabrics to use though!  I can't decide if I want to do a summery theme with fruit and gingham, or if I want to go softer with flowers.  I am 38 years old, so I'm not sure if I am too old for the fruit, even though I like!  LOL  Let me know what you think and I will write up a tutorial as soon as I get it made.



I will definitely need to put a pocket on the side of the purse for my water bottle, it is too hot in TX to go anywhere without a water bottle!  I have never been any good with fabric selections and have a hard time putting them together.  I'm not really sure if the yellow goes with the pink and purple, but thought it added a different element to it.
Thank you for your help!

1 comment:

  1. i have never been good with colors either missy, wish i was


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