Tuesday, May 8, 2012

color question and traveling kit

 I have been cutting hexies getting ready to go camping (in cabins this year).  A friend is house sitting for us and babysitting my kitties.  To see some of the finished flowers go here:  http://missyscakesandaprons.blogspot.com/2012/04/design-wall-monday.html it will give you a good idea of what they will look like when I'm done.  Most grandmother's flower gardens are pretty uniform in their color scheme.  You can check some out on my pinterest board:  http://pinterest.com/missyshay/quilts-hexagon/
I'm thinking of switching it up a little bit, just because of the number of the colors that were cut.  I was going to do all the middle hexies either blue or green, but I had forgotten about this purple batik I had, and since there is a lot of purple in the panel I'm using I really want to add it (instead of that maroon which I realized does not match the panel after I cut it.)  Would it look okay, if I put a middle blue with an outside green, and a middle purple with an outside blue, middle orange with outside purple, etc.?  Most of my oranges have been outside, can you see what I'm thinking from the pictures?  Since the purple is more of a solid, I wanted to put it with some of the splotchies (new word, but it fits), the oranges and blues.
 I cut my hexies and put them in the flower sets, ready to sew.  I have some navy cut (for the background between the flowers) and I'm hoping I'll have all of the flowers sewn and ready to add the navy by the time I get home.  I have an 8 hr drive there, so that is 16 hours of sewing!  (minus my car naps of course)
 I usually carry my snap bag in my purse filled with my hand sewing.  Nothing fancy, I'll do a tutorial when I make another one.  I put one flower set, thread, and fold up scissors in the bag.  I added a little holder for my needles that I fold up when not using.  (see it in the above picture)
 If I am going to be gone a little longer and may need more flowers and I drop it and my extra "flower kits" in this bag which I decorated many years ago.  I also keep my hexagon template and marker in my bag.  One day I will make a nicer sewing kit, but this works for now. I put the extra hexies in sandwich baggies to keep them from getting wrinkled.  As the quilt gets bigger I will need a bigger carrier!
 Did I mention that I made my snap bag on a hand crank?  Isn't that awesome!  I really want a handcrank sewing machine to use!  It is called a snap bag because it has carpenter's measuring tape (which you can get at the Dollar Tree for a dollar) in the top so it "snaps" open.
Please give me your opinion about mixing up the colors for my flowers!  If you need an invitation to pinterest let me know and I will send you one when I get home.  I have several new quilting categories also so be sure to follow me!
Thank you!


  1. Oh,I love that snap bag idea. Will you do a tutorial on it someday? (Maybe you already have one or know where one is, and can direct me?) Love those hexies. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. i am no expert but on my granny square quilt i mix up all kinds of colors


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