Monday, June 11, 2012

Quilting Therapy

I am almost done with my "flowers" on my hexagon quilt.  I have 17 done and three more to sew.  They are cut out, I have also cut out a lot of the navy that will be the "sashing" between the flowers, I'm just not sure how much I will need yet.
I wish I had known I had the purple material from the beginning, I would have made it the first row on all of the flowers, then different colors on the outside row.  I learned this is not a true Grandmother's flower garden since it should have a third row of hexies, but for this quilt I don't feel like doing that.

I think the Lord knew I was going to need something to do with my hands later in the week.  The week my daddy passed away, I felt an urge to hurry and get all of my flowers cut out, 1/4 inch seams marked, and coordinated into the flowers I wanted to sew together.  When I found out my daddy died, I grabbed my stitching to take with me to AR the next day.  I know my step brother and step sister, but we do not have a relationship since we did not live together, and my daddy had Christmas with them on Christmas Eve and me on Christmas Day, etc.  My half sister I have only seen a handful of times in the past 30 years, she is 13 years older than me and had moved away by the time my parents were divorced.  I am close to my step mother though.  While everyone was sitting around talking, I sat there doing my hand stitching.  Everyone was family and my half sister had her daughter and grandchildren.  It helped to keep my nerves calm and gave my hands something to do.  All of the children were like "are you sewing?" with big expressions of wonder on their faces. Everybody wanted to see the wall hanging I had made Marge for Christmas last year too.  I do not think I could have survived last week without my stitching.  The Lord knew I was going to need something for my hands to do.  Thank you to everyone who was praying for me, I really appreciate it.
If you want to see the quilt  I made Marge, you can go here to see it:
Happy Quilting!


  1. So very sorry to hear about your dad. Thoughts and prayers go out to you through this difficult time. The hexie flowers are just beautiful and I hope they help to brighten your day.

  2. The passing of a person so dear leaves a big hole in our lives. Condolences to you. I've seen some hexies cropping up in blogland and yours are lovely and will be a reminder to you of your dad.

  3. So sorry to hear about your loss, remember the wonderful memories you have! Beautiful hexies and I'm so glad they helped you get through this time. Thanks for sharing.
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. I also need something to "distract" me during difficult times and your hexies are beautiful. May they always remind you of happy memories shared with your father.


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