Monday, September 24, 2012

A birthday giveaway!

My birthday is on Sunday and I will be 39 years old.  I want to give one of ya'll a birthday gift from me!  How about a quilt pattern?

This is Celebration by Jane Spolar.  She has some free downloads for placemats and napkins here.
Since birthdays are usually a celebration, I thought it would fit pretty well!

All you need to do to enter is leave a comment telling me how you follow my blog and what kind of quilts you like to make.  I am an old fashioned kind of girl and love the old patterns.  For example the Dresden Plates, Grandma's Flower Garden, Martha Washington's Flower Garden and Wedding Rings, etc.
If you share about this giveaway you will get a second entry.  Just leave me a second comment telling me how you shared.  Be sure to leave me your email address if you are not sure whether you are a no-reply blogger, if you are signing in as anonymous especially!
Did you see my new background?  That is the quilt my Nanny made!  My husband showed me how to crop the photo and make it smaller.  So I followed his directions and then uploaded it under templates in Blogger.  It was so easy once he showed me what to do!  I am so excited!
I also want to share with you a birthday cake I would love to get for my birthday.  I never get a birthday cake, I'm always the one making them!  LOL My favorite kind of cakes are carrot cake, spice cake, orange cake, lemon cake, etc. I love anything with nuts and really want to try the pecan pie cake or the butter pecan cake.  Those recipes are here.
 Just look at these cakes!  I have a lot of ideas on my Pinterest board.
There are really cute cupcakes to go with it!
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These are just a few of the awesome cakes I've seen!  Well, I said I never get cake, one time my husband did try to make me a birthday cake.  He wanted to make me a checkerboard cake, where the inside of the cake is checkerboarded with two different flavors.  He did peanut butter and chocolate (my favorite combination of flavors!) and he bought the pans and the cake mixes and made my cake with 7 cake mixes for just the two of us.  That was a lot of cake and a very special cake.  I have such a sweet husband!  If I could throw myself my own party, I would do a masquerade ball, but without the dancing.  Can't you just see it?  A fancy ball gown with a fancy mask?  That would be so much fun.  Maybe for my 40th!  LOL
Okay, that's enough of that!  Don't forget to enter my giveaway, I will draw the name on Saturday sometime.  My husband and I have a date that day, so I don't know what time I will draw.  I'll announce the winner sometime on Sunday, probably after church.  Be sure to have your comments left by the end of Friday!
I already know what I'm getting for my birthday from my husband too!  A handcrank sewing machine!  I am so excited!
Have a great day ya'll!


  1. Good post. I will be facing many of these issues as well..
    Visit my homepage - Visit Me

  2. Oh! Happy early birthday, Missy! Mine is not too much later ... on the tenth of October! (Though I'm a tad older than you are! LOL!) I love making cakes from's so rewarding! Those are some real beauties you've got pictured here today!! And what a sweet, considerate hubby!! Your new quilt background is gorgeous. You've got to love looking at your blog!! I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect ... and you are on my "A-List" blog roll. :) As for quilting, I can honestly say I do not have a favorite technique or method. I love trying new and different things, so I don't do a whole lot of anything twice! I'll post about your giveaway in my blog tomorrow and come back and let you know when I do!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday soon! I love those cakes, especially the one with cats.

    I'm not in your contest, Not good enough to do that pattern! When you're sending cake, then I'm in! LOL. I like your background too.

  4. Missy, I blogged about your birthday giveaway today and linked directly to this post!! :)

  5. Happy Birthday! I came to your blog by way of Denise's blog. I was going to look at her tea section and got sidetracked...imagine that. I tend to lean toward the older designs and love '30s repros. Then again, I enjoy looking at many of the art quilts but can't ever see myself actually making one. Love your new background, especially since it looks like it came from my favorite era. Enjoy your birthday and eat a piece of cake for me...I'm supposed to be dieting (LOL!).

  6. Love the new background - it's nice to have Grandma there all the time! I am kind of an eclectic quilter. I have tried art quilts but I am not very good at them. I like bright colors but I'll do almost anything with them. And then of course, you know my recent EPP obsession. BTW - I have you on my Google blogroll - I'm just way behind.

  7. I blogged about your giveaway today - I hope lots of people stop by...

  8. Happy birthday!! We are neighbors, did you know? About 20 miles apart! I love old, old quilts...and scraps! Anything made from stuff that most people toss is my favorite!!

  9. The cakes are fabulous...and I think I began following you though hops...if I am not mistaken.

    I love applique...don't care what type...just love it!

  10. Happy Birthday to Missy. I'm sorry I am far, far, from making one of those cakes in your blog. I usually only make boxed cake mixes. I hope your birthday is extra special.

    I am wanting to make the Dresden Plate quilt for my son & daughter-in-law for Christmas. It is my hope to make all 3 of my kids a quilt. So far I made my granddaughter one a couple for baby showers, and a couple for Rich & I. I need to get busy. Your quits are beautiful. Your grandmother would be so proud of the quilts you make.

  11. Happy Birthday Missy! I hope you ;have a very blessed day!

  12. Missy-I hope you have a very blessed birthday! Have fun on your date with your husband!


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