Monday, September 17, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I did not get as much sewing done this weekend as I wanted to.  This is what my finished block will look like.  I promise I will post tutorials on how I did everything, but later, I am too tired this morning.  LOL  My husband wanted some bread yesterday.  So I made the bread and set it out to rise before we left for church. I started the second rising after we got home from church, to rise for 1 1/2 hrs.  I asked my husband to turn the oven on at 6:30 to preheat for a few minutes before baking the bread.  I was so busy making yo yo's and sewing them on that I forgot the bread!  The bread did not get baked until 9!  Then of course my husband always has to have a piece after it comes out of the oven.  It was 11 before we got to bread,I mean bed,  and 5:30 comes very early!
Before I ever went to church yesterday morning, I also had to frost a birthday cake.
My hands were shaking, so it does not look great.  It was a gluten free cake, I promise to share the recipe.
Out of ten Dresden plate blocks, 7 got appliqued, 6 yo yo's made and sewn on, and two buttons sewn on.  For more information on these plates go here.
Here is an update on my hexagon quilt also.  I have one more block to sew the border on.  Then I can start attaching the flowers together and filling in the rest of the "garden path" around the "flowers".  I am so afraid that I am going to attach the flowers crooked, since I have no idea what I am doing!  LOL I have not really worked much on the hexies lately, although I am sure I will get a lot done on the 6 hour bus trip to my mom's in October. Please excuse the yellow post it notes, it tells me what order to attach the flowers.  I'll work more on this quilt once I finish my Dresden plates.
I also finished a dress(two weeks ago) for a friend.  I forgot to take a picture of her, but did take one while she was in choir.

My goal today is to finish the plates, write blog posts, clean my house and rest.  I have a sore throat and I hope I am not coming down with a cold.  It's raining, so I won't be able to go walking.
What have you been up to?


  1. Your Dresden Plates look fabulous -- as do your hexies. I think I like unusual shapes. The cake you frosted looks terrific!! I bet it was much appreciated. Have a great day -- hope you get through your goals and keep that sore throat at bay!! :)

  2. Missy, I need to go take a nap after reading everything you've accomplished in a few days. WOW!!! This morning at breakfast I told my husband I was in the mood to start a quilt. I told him how you are making the Dresden Plates at breaking speed and then I read your blog and see where you baked a gluten free cake, made a dress, and made homemade bread, wrote a blog, along with other things. The quilts are pieces of art. You achieve much daily. I hope the sore throat gets better.

  3. You have been busybusybusy. The dresdens are looking good but i still think you need to make an extra as a Halloween kitty collar. LOL. Thanks for joining my Hexie Linky Party today!

  4. So cute...Love that dress! And love the colors! Do you have materials for another one like it? How much do you charge for such projects?

  5. Those Dresden plates look great! I love the colors!

  6. I haven't been nearly as busy as you have (outside of work). Wow, you really have a lot going on at the same time. It all looks wonderful!

  7. All looks great to me. Your dresden plates are beautiful.

  8. Those dresden plates are just spectacular!

  9. Wonderful Dresden plates and the dress you made is beautiful! Looks like a yummy've been busy! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion at the River Linky Party Tuesday


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