Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feline Friday

Happy Friday everyone!  I had to share the above picture of Pippi - she's a hoot!
The picture below is my neice, Johnna-6, to the right my sister, Thresia - 42, and the bottom, me-39.  I just thought it was funny we all had on purple shoes!  I went to visit my family last week in Lubbock, TX.
 We all went to the corn maize, a big corn field with a maze cut in it - it was a blast.  Here's me and my mom.
 Gorgeous sunset!  It got pretty dark in that maze!
 This week I went to the Dallas World aquarium with the homeschooler's field trip.  They let me go even though I don't have kids, an extra pair of hands is always helpful with the little ones!  Of course my favorite exhibit was the penguins!
 I thought this sword fish was hilarious!  He looks mean!  There was a tunnel and the big fish were swimming above us!
 Here's another one, those are some big lips!
I hope ya'll don't mind this totally useless blog post today but I had to share those funny pictures!!  Have a great weekend!
P.S.  I have a big giveaway coming up!
I'm linking up to Feline Friday at Sarah Did It!  Since I was gone last week I only have the one cat picture though!  Be sure to stop by!


  1. Pippi looks very stylish in her beautiful headdress. LOL! Those ARE big lips on that fish. (This is an example of why I never go more than ankle deep in the ocean!)

  2. There is an uncanny resemblance between Pippi in her "outfit" and the penguins. Just sayin...! :)

  3. I don't know...Pippi makes me think of some poor european or russian woman with a scarf tied on to keep warm. LOVE the purple sneaks...need to get me some :)

    BTW - blogger needs to watch it's word/number typing thing...mine was almost a naughty word!


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