Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quilt Update!

I missed my deadline on getting my quilt done!  I wanted to finish it before I went out of town, I stayed up until 2 AM quilting it before I left, but was too tired to finish it.  I'll finish it Tuesday, when I go to my friend's house.
I finished the top and most of the quilting.  The binding is ironed and ready to put on also.  Of course, Pippi was a big help!  While piecing the blocks together;

 And even while quilting!
I decided she needed her own blanket so I could finish the quilting!
I did straight stitching on the border, and cross hatched the blocks.  I stitched in the ditch on the sashing.

 I love the quilting guide that came with my machine!
 Here's a good picture of the cross hatch.

I did all this on my small Janome.  I like to scrunch up the extra material to the side.
This is only my second full-size quilt to "quilt", so I am doing simple quilting and there are a lot of mistakes!
Hopefully I will show the finished quilt later, although I can't show you the label until I give it to it's recipient!  To see other posts on my quilt look under the label for the Dresdan plate quilt on the left.
Happy Quilting!


  1. It looks like you are coming along great, deadline or not! Of course the cats are a big help.

  2. Your cats, tucked here and there inside the quilt while you work on it, just crack me up!! I've quilted nothing bigger than a crib size on my Janome, and that's tough enough! Good job!! It's looking just lovely -- cats and all! :)

  3. I love the colors and the pattern is great. I could never quilt on my lil machine without pleats. yours looks great!!!

  4. Beautiful and a great use of Dresdens. And I really like your cross hatching.

  5. You did an amazing job for quilting such a big quilt on such a small machine! I loved the photos of the furry quilting supervisor... so cute! I have never used a quilting guide before...I should see if my machine has one!

  6. Very beautiful quilt. I adore your little four legged helpers. :)

  7. Beautiful quilt! Nice to see the feline QC agents doing their jobs paws-on :)

  8. Your quilt is beautiful! Love those fabrics that you used. I looked over your blog and noticed that you have a treadle!!! Yay! I just got my first treadle a few weeks ago. It is a 1906 Singer 27. I love it!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  9. I can't understand why it's taken you so long to finish quilting this quilt -- with all the help that you get!! lol Can't wait to see it finished. I applaud you for tacking such a big quilt with your Janome. I used to do that a lot, but finally gave in and got a bigger machine. Still use my DSM a lot though.

  10. Your quilt is the fabrics!

  11. Missy, this is GORGEOUS! Nice to see Pippi assisting;)



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