Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Quilt Along!

We had a lot of fun today!  We have combined our quilt alongs with our prayer quilt ministry.  We started hand quilting our granny square quilt which will be going to a lady in our church who is having a tough time right now.  Some of the pictures were taken by a young man who came with his mom, so ignore any blurriness please!  And yes, my thread was way too long!
 Unfortunately we can only fit four people at a time around our quilting frame, we really want a full sized one, the type you can hang from the ceiling and let down when it is needed.  Until then, we can only sew four at a time and have to take turns!
   We have sold our church building and are now taking turns meeting at everyone's houses, which I really like because it is so homey!  (We are sharing our building for a couple of months)
Tabitha and Valerie were sewing their twosies together for their postage stamp quilts.  Valerie borrowed my hand crank and has decided that she really likes it and is going to try to talk her parents into buying one for her!  Tabitha is thirteen and Valerie is twelve.
 You can see all of their blocks that they have cut out!
Here is half a 16 patch that Valerie has finished.

Valerie put her little sister Atarrah to work and has her ironing her twosies.  Kayla is helping her out.

Atarrah is crocheting a granny square quilt, she has three done so far.  She is nine!
I suggested putting the two seven year olds to work snipping the threads between Tabitha's twosies, with Kayla supervising.  Abigail and Alexa liked being able to help!
Chrystal spent the first part of the hour fixing Tabitha's machine, it turns out they were using the wrong size bobbin!  They were using class 66 instead of class 15, as far as I know the majority, if not all of the new machines are class 15.  I have an old Redeye 66 that uses a class 66 bobbin, they are a tad bigger than the class 15.
Chrystal has finished 10 of her great granny square blocks and has ten to go!

She is teaching her daughters how to hand sew.  Camelia is five and Mary is three.

I also wanted to show you a quilt that Chrystal has, I meant to take another picture in better lighting, but I forgot.  This quilt was made by her Nana's friends for her Nana's wedding!
The prints have Raggedy Ann and Andy, Hobby Lobby and I love that orange cat and the apples!  I wish I had gotten a picture of the quilting, they stitched in the ditch and quilted a circle in the middle of each square.  Simple but very nice.

Just remember that you are never too young or old to learn how to quilt!


  1. Looks such a wonderful day together. I have always wanted to start up a gathering like this, but interest in my area, sadly, is lacking. Blessings on your projects, ladies!

  2. You must have had a wonderful time together! Some day I will learn how to do a granny square (crochet). Mine always turn out round!

  3. What a wonderful ministry...and too cute that even the littlest are getting involved. That is GREAT!

    New follower from Thursday Favorite Things.

  4. For years, I have thought about learning to quilt. I believe it is an art. I love how you are passing on this tradition and using it to minister to others as well!

    P.S. Came over from Katherine's and decided to follow you. I also read about the little baby that your friend lost. I am praying for that family today!

  5. Hi Missy, just wanted to let you know that you are the winner of my blog hop giveaway! Congratulations! Just go to my store farmroadquilts.com and pick your favorite charm pack, email me with your choice, and I'll get it sent right out. Sorry, I would have sent you an email, but I didn't see a way to do that. Email me at farmroadquilts{at}embarqmail{dot}com


  6. I love this post. You've brought tears to my eyes. There was a time that I and group of other ladies were teaching teen age girls to sew and make quilts for charity. You've brought back memories.
    Many Blessings to you and your group. BTW I am in Texas also. Nice to meet a neighbor.
    Have a wonderful evening,

  7. Wow!! Such wonderful industry for young and old. I've dabbled in some quit making and I hold all quilters in the highest esteem. Thanks for sharing these great pics.

    Blessings for a wonderful weekend,
    Your newest follower from Australia,
    Dotti :)

  8. I love it! I love it when ladies of all ages get together to quilt, and when the young ones can associate and help right along with them. Beautiful!

  9. That looks like so much fun. I can hand quilt, but not on a frame. I don't even use a hoop. I prefer to do it in my lap. But having an old fashioned quilting bee looks like so much fun.

  10. The youngest I've ever given lessons to was 4, and boy, did we have fun!

  11. Love to see photos of your quilting bee!
    Wish I could join in!
    Sp fun to see your variety of thimbles.
    As well as the variety of ages of the sewers :)
    Loved seeing your hand crank!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  12. Looks like a wonderful day of quilting!

  13. How fun :) I've never seen a hand crank before. I use both my hand so much in my piecing, I can't imagine have to run the machine with one.


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