Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Quilting Done!

I have finally finished the quilting on the pinwheel quilt!  I've trimmed it up, but I still need to cut the binding and sew it on.
 I've been quilting it off and on for the past few days.  Muffin thinks it is going to be his quilt.  He looks so comfortable!
 Every day he takes a nap on it.
After I finished it, Pippi had to model it for me!
As you can see, I tried fmq circles on it.  My first ones are pretty bad, but they got better as I went along.  I decided it needed some more quilting, I expect this quilt will be getting washed a lot so I wanted to make sure it lasted.  I went ahead and stitched in the ditch on all of the rows.
I quilted it in quadrants, can you see the difference as I went along?
I hope to get the binding done tonight because I'll be busy all day!  Then after I wash it I can get it in the mail and this goal will be finished!
How are you doing on your March goals?
Have a great day!


  1. Looks great, Missy! Love your kitty helpers, too! :)

  2. Very cute Missy! Love the quilt and the cat!

  3. Oooooohhhhh give me some of that kitty belly!!!! And it has a white strip down the middle...teehee.

  4. Pippi cracks me up with that S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!! :)

  5. Ahhhh....There's just nothing like a good stretch...and, especially on a cozy quilt. I love your kitties!
    Carolynn >^^<

  6. Your kitties are sooo sweet. And they know the best place to sleep! :-) I'm your newest follower.


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