Monday, April 1, 2013

April Goals

It's time to set my goals for April!
My first goal is to get my great granny squares quilt quilted.  This will be my main goal, it is a Christmas present for my seven year old niece, Johnna.  We are moving this fall and I want to have her quilt finished before we move, so thought it would be a good goal for this month!
Right now it is just a flimsy.  I cannot get the colors to look right in the pictures.

I am also trying to get a sewing caddy sewn, it needs to be done by this weekend so that I can take it to my quilt retreat.  It is all about people powered sewing machines this weekend, it will be a lot of fun!
I had to sew several strips together to make the front and back pockets.  I did not pay attention to my seam allowance and had to rip out all of the seams and resew them together!
I laid all my pieces out, and I think I forgot to cut out something?  I'm not sure, I'm terrible about following patterns!  This means I first have to sort through the pattern and see what goes where before I do any more cutting.
Does anyone else make such a mess while sewing?
I also plan on finishing the last 11 strips on my scrappy trip along before I start sewing them all back together.  So my goal is to have 15 completely finished blocks.  I will probably get more finished since I am taking it with me this weekend, but with all of the demos and getting help with machines and stuff, I'm not sure how much actual sewing I will get done.
I also know it will take me a while to quilt Johnna's quilt, at least a couple of weeks.
I have a busy week ahead of me, I have a cake order for Sunday and I don't get back in town until Saturday night so I have to make all the fondant figures this week before I go, and make the frosting, and my sewing caddy, not to mention a couple of goodies to eat at the retreat!  Of course, I need to find some time to do some cleaning, can't leave my house a mess!

Have you set any goals for yourself this month?

Psalm25:9  "The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
10  All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies."


  1. I love your granny square quilt - so bright!

  2. Your granny square quilt turned out beautifully. Thank you so much for stopping by. I still need to do block one and then I will be caught up. Hope you are having a great day.

  3. Love your Granny Squares quilt. Can't wait to see how you quilt it.

  4. A gorgeous quilt!
    Have a great time at your retreat...look forward to hearing all about it!
    PS I never make a mess when I am sewing (*wink*)


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