Monday, April 15, 2013


I was hoping a churn dash would be one of the blocks!
I got my newest barn done!  As you can see we added the white back ground all the way around, and the sashing.  I decided to do my sashing in black, red and white,  Every other block will be slightly different, with the top and bottom going all the way across and the sides short, so I needed more red and black material for the top and bottom.  I already had the black and white material for the sides.  I found a black and white gingham print with watermelons, and a black print with larger cherries.  I'll have to put those on later.  The material is in the washing machine so I did not get a picture.
I messed up this next block, I will never try to do two blocks at the same time again.  I already had to seam rip it after I finished the block once, only to realize after I finished it off with the white strips and hung it to take the picture, that I had made another mistake, why didn't I notice it when I had taken the block apart the first time?
What do you think, should I fix it or leave it?
Here are my other two blocks, I finished up one and the other was waiting for my new material.

It is really hard to sew when I have two cats wanting attention!  You can see the laptop opened to the side, I was looking at the tutorial.  Pippi was checking it out too, but Muffin just wanted my attention!

You can get the tutorials here:
I used a different block on the second picture, she had a plain scrappy with just squares and I used a tutorial from the Barrister's Block here:

I've been using my hand crank, but I finally learned how to use my treadle and was using it for some of the block also!  Boy does that treadle go fast!

Are you making the barn blocks?


  1. I think the barns look great but if it's going to "bug" you about the mistake, rip it out and redo it.

  2. Cute barns :) I like the black and white fabrics you're using for the sashing; they really frame the barns well.

  3. Your arms are just wonderful!! I thought I was the only one who goofed while multi tasking...

  4. I printed out the tutorial last month but haven't started on barns, yet. I figured I needed to decide on a barn fabric/color before getting started and so far that hasn't happened. BUT, I do plan on doing the barns since I was "kind of" raised on farms.

  5. Your barns look fantastic!
    I didn't see the "mistake" until I saw the other blocks. I only rip out if I know it will continue to really bug me!

  6. I love your barns in the black and red.

  7. I dare not start a new Barn Quilt, I have WAY too Many UFO's and NewFo's and Judy L is asking for them to go on Parade today...

  8. Can't fix what blogger breaks. Wordpress will always come across as no reply blogger - just takes you to my blog, where my email is in the sidebar, or you can leave a comment on one of my posts. I love your barns. Personally, I wouldn't fix that barn, but if you are the type that it will bug, then fix it. I love the churn dash with the chicken in the "window."

  9. I didn't notice either until I saw them side by side. Just change up some of the other ones and sprinkle them around the quilt, no one will ever notice.

  10. Love your barns! I'd probably fix the one, it would bug me if I didn't.

  11. They look so nice wonderful that you were able to utilize your hand crank! :) m.

  12. What a novel idea -a barn quilt instead of a house quilt. I like it - looks fine to me.

  13. Barn blocks are on my to do list -- I love yours!

  14. I am also raising some barns. Yours are all wonderful! If it doesn't bother you,just leave it :)

  15. Your barn blocks are turning out really nice. I'm not surprised you made a mistake with all the "help" you're getting from your cats. I, too, sew with cats and know they can be a distraction. LOL!

  16. Cute barns. I like them with the white around them and then the contrasting sashing.

  17. I think your barn is fantastic!

  18. No barn blocks here, but enjoying seeing all of yours. However, I do have the cats seeking attention whilst I sew !

  19. If there are mistakes, I don't see them! what kind of layout will you be using? How funny that Pippi was reading the directions for you!

  20. I'm not making barn blocks, but I sure do love yours! Whoop whoop!!


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