Monday, May 20, 2013

Design Wall Monday

 I came home from the quilt retreat yesterday and decided to make some string blocks.  There were so many gorgeous string quilts and after watching other people making there's, I finally decided to make some!  Mary Lou also shared a lot of her scraps so I finally have enough to start making blocks!
I made one last night and six today.  I'm not positive how I am going to  set the blocks, but I am probably going to sash them.

Cupcake and Oreo were my helpers.  You should see the mess they made of my strings basket today, I had quite a mess to pick up!
I got half of my rag quilt made, it was so easy sewing that denim and flannel on my hand crank.  I took a picture but I can't find it.  I'll finish it off on my treadle since it is faster.
I also made several tops of my sailboat blocks for my baby quilt.  I would have done more but for some reason my machine was skipping stitches and we finally decided that I need to give it a good cleaning when I got home.

Here is a finished block.  I can't wait to finish this quilt!  This is what I look like after staying up until 3 in the morning and only having 5 hours of sleep.
I'll show you more pictures from the retreat tomorrow and what everyone else was working on.  I had so much fun!  I met some one who actually reads my blog!  I thought that was pretty neat!
I think I am going to sew some more string blocks now, bye for now!


  1. Lovely.. materials, sewing machines and the kitties!

  2. I've been working on strings blocks too -- so much fun! Your kittens are cute - and the vintage machine is a beauty!

  3. Nice block! I like the string blocks too, a great way to use up small fabric pieces.

  4. I also do string blocks -- they are addictive aren't they? Your sailboat quilt is so cute. Sounds like you had a great time at retreat. I have one coming up in June. Can't wait.

  5. Would love to invite you to my link up that goes live at 7am in the morning. We pin all those who join to our party board on pinterest.

  6. Missy, you've been so busy! Lots of pretty things going on at your house - but I think your kitties take the day! Whoop whoop!!

  7. Your projects sure look like lots of fun! Love the sailboats! Very cute!!!

    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com


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