Friday, June 14, 2013

Feline Friday - Cat Pile

Poor Tiger was sleeping soundly on the chair all by himself.  (The big cat)  Then Oreo comes and goes to sleep beside him.  Well, Pippi is used to being the baby and sleeping with "big boys" (Muffin and Tiger), so she came over and laid right on top of Oreo and Tiger.

Cupcake, calico kitten, decided she wanted to sleep with them too and laid herself across Tiger.  Poor Custard, in the front, could not find a place for herself.
Of course, we needed another cat, so I added Muffin.  He stayed like two minutes!
Muffin and Custard decided the rocking chair was just too crowded and decided to move to my chair.
The rocking chair is a popular chair for the cats, they are constantly fussing over it.  I was really surprised Squeekie let Cupcake sleep with her here.
Okay, how many cats did you count sleeping on the rocking chair at one time?
Yes, six!  LOL
Have a great Friday!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway, Sat. is the last day to enter!

Cats are not in the Bible, so I thought a verse on friends would be good for this post!
Proverbs 18:24  "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."


  1. Ha, ha! Nothing better than a Pile-O-Cats! On a quilt too.

  2. I am amazed at how well your cats all get along with each other. The pictures are great...

  3. The more cats the merrier I say! Yours look very happy!


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