Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Goals

I have been doing a terrible job meeting my goals I set for myself.  I know what the problem is, I am very ADD!  I'll have one quilt I know I should be working on, but work on another quilt instead!  I have decided that I am going to keep my goals simple for this month.
Goal # 1:  Finish the denim rag quilt for my nephew.  It is a Christmas present, but I am moving in a few months and I want it done before I move.

Goal #2:  Finish at least two more barn blocks.  I pieced four this month and finished two more.

The rest of my barns will have the silos on them.
Goal #3:  Work on my Sailboat Quilt.  I got a good start on it at the retreat.

I have started on the sashing.  440 squares, which I am sewing  together as sets of 220 and then cutting into half square triangles.  The vertical sashing is pinwheels and the horizontal sashing is "waves".  I have already drawn the line down from corner to corner and set them all in pairs.  Muffin thought it made a great bed though so I have moved the tray out of reach!
Those are my set goals for the month, I also have a couple of dresses I am working on for a friend, capes for another friend and some mending for another friend, the problem is that I would mush rather be quilting!
I also have my scrappy trip around the world quilt I am working on.
Too bad I have to take time out to clean house and cook meals!  LOL
Do you have any specific goals you are working on?
Have a great day!
19  "She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20  She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy."  Proverbs 31:19&20


  1. Oh I'm supposed to do housework rather than sew? Opps that's my mistake. Good luck with your June goals

  2. You do have a lot of projects going on! And the kitties are ADORABLE!!!


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