Friday, July 12, 2013

Feline Friday - cat quilt

Here is another one of Pat's quilts.  She did not make this one though, it was a birthday gift for her from the two sewing groups she was a member of.    They surprised her with it by hanging it in a quilt show!
She like cats too, so there quite a number of cat blocks in this quilt, it is such a fun quilt!

I love this quilt!  I've been wanting to make a cat themed quilt, I'll have to make it a sampler quilt!

So, we were in Dallas all week and had a friend taking care of our furbabies while we were gone.
Muffin (the big cat) and Custard


Oreo and Cupcake
Don't they all look so innocent?  It used to be that when something happened, we knew to blame Pippi, but know she has three kittens that she has been training to be trouble makers also!  We got home from a long week in Dallas last night and the first thing we noticed, was that they had swiped the roll of toilet paper from the bathroom and shredded it to pieces all over the living room floor!  What a mess!
The second thing I noticed, was the the hanging Ivy I had hanging in the dining room room was now all over the floor, the treadle cabinet, the chairs, the dining room table and a sewing machine!  I swept up what I could, but I still need to move the treadle to clean up the rest of it.    That was not exactly the welcome I was expecting when I got home last night!  LOL

What kind of trouble are your cats getting into?  Check out Sarah's Feline Friday for more cat fun!

I need to go clean their mess, talk to ya'll later!

Missy (aka the crazy cat lady - LOL)


  1. When the humans are away . . . LOL!

    What a great cat quilt!

  2. You weren't home stitchin', so, the cats were letting you know that you (and the treadle humming) were missed. My dog played with the toilet paper when she was a puppy, thank goodness dogs tend to grow out of this stuff quicker than kitties do.

  3. Wow...a bit of kitty civil unrest, huh? They let us know what they are thinking!! Your babies are gorgeous and look very content. Have a lovely day!

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