Thursday, July 25, 2013

July Finishes!

Can you believe it?  I met all of my goals and am so happy!  Here is my post with all of my goals from the beginning of the month:

Today I finished the basting on my great granny square quilt.  I want to start quilting it now, but I have a baby shower this weekend and I need to make the cake tomorrow and since I am hosting the shower I doubt I will have time to start playing until next week!  LOL  I used Elmer's glue on the backing and I'm not happy with the puckers, the top I used spray basting which turned out great, so I'll use that from now on!  It was funny to see the cats shaking their feet after walking on the adhesive!  LOL
Pippi and Custard

I finished all 12 of my sailboat blocks last week.

And third, I finished my denim rag quilt!  I did make a mistake on it though, I was not thinking and did not back stitch my blocks, which I guess you should do since I had to go back and resew some "holes" after I washed it.  Lesson learned!


I am just so proud of myself for finishing all of my goals for this month and there is still five days left!

Did you meet your goals this month?


My Button


  1. Good for you for meeting your goals! Your Great Granny Square and Sailboats Quilts are quite an accomplishment and I see that all the Kitties agree! I have been wanting to make a rag quilt and I already have the flannel fabric I will use....just waiting for some templates and (maybe) it will get

  2. mmm great finishes. You had some good helpers. Really nice work.

  3. Yay Missy, Congrats on finishing your goals.Way to go. I am about 4 1/2 away from hitting my goal of 12 Iron caddies and pin cushion thread catchers. It has been a crazy past week and half for me but maybe next week I can finish.

  4. Congratulations, Missy, you busy gal, you! Your quilts are so pretty:)

  5. Great job! Love the Great granny squares and the colors.

  6. Missy: You really have the knack! The kitties appreciate your hard work. The only thing I've accomplished recently was cleaning the mayhem from our yard sale. Have a lovely day!
    Neighbors About Town Blog

  7. Congrats on meeting your goals! Such a pretty GS quilt and love the kitties.

  8. Congratulations! I haven't reached any of my goals an there's only 5 days left. LOL

  9. Congratulations! That is one colorful quilt. I like it. Funny about your experience with Elmer's. I tried it recently and loved it. Also using it on bindings instead of pinning and it worked out great.

  10. Look at you GO! Great finishes and great learning experiences. Thanks for linking up.

  11. The colors are super in your granny square quilt! I'm glad you laid out the boats too because I was having a hard time, in my mind, putting it together. Cute!!

  12. Your sailboats are adorable. You cats sure seem to like your quilts!

  13. What a great batch of finishes! Love the color POP in your Granny Square quilt and the sailboats are adorable. Everyone needs at least one denim quilt, and you are miles ahead of me on that one! Thanks for sharing so much inspiration!

  14. Your cats are just too precious! Your quilting is wonderful as well!

  15. Yay for meeting your goals! I love the setting (and colors) that you used for your granny squares!

  16. Everything looks amazing! You should get a video of the cats shaking their paws :) I did finish my goal, so I'm pretty pleased with that!

  17. The colors on the grannie square quilt are amazing!

  18. beautiful quilts - found you on I am only one woman link party


  19. I love that you have 6 cats (so do I!) and that you have some food named cats (so do I!) I even have a Muffin! :)

    I actually have a Muffin, a Biscuit, and a Pumpkin (to go along with the Jack, Mr. Baby Cat, and Kittenface)

    I haven't actually started quilting yet, but it's next on my list of things to learn. I imagine it will be extra challenging with the cats. They're terrible sometimes. And oh, the hair!


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