Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July Goals

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I am going to try to keep my goals for this month simple, even though I have deadlines on all three of these quilts!
 I finished the last bit of the sewing on my denim quilt on my Franklin treadle.  Wow can that thing go fast and the stitches are perfect!  I had to put a staying stitch (I think that is what it is called) all the way around the edges of the quilt.  My first goal this week is to clip the edges and get it washed.  I have a 6 hour car trip coming up so this will be perfect job for the car!  The kittens like the new quilt.  You can see a full view of the quilt here.

My second goal is to finish the sailboat blocks on the baby quilt.  The baby is due August 12, so I hope to get more than that done, but with my schedule this month, I'm not sure if that will happen!  My Singer 15 is skipping stitches again and I'm not sure why!  I hope I have time today or tomorrow to take it apart and just give it a thorough cleaning!  Too bad I can't make Muffin do it, lazy cat!  To see what else I have done with this quilt go here.  http://missyscakesandaprons.blogspot.com/2013/06/pinwheels.html
 My third goal is to get this quilt, basted.  If I have time maybe I can get it quilted too!  I'm thinking of outlining all of the Gerber daisies in the sashing and then free motion quilting a giant daisy in each square.  What color of thread would you use?  I'm thinking a a very light pink?

An acquaintance from Lubbock will be in town August tenth and since my family lives in Lubbock I'm hoping to get my nephew's quilt (denim) and my niece's quilt (great granny square) completely done so that I can send them back to my mom.  They are Christmas presents but since I won't be going home for my birthday this year in September (I'll be moving), I want to send the quilts back with Ruby.  This will save a lot on shipping and I won't have to worry about them getting lost in the mail.  I also won't have to pack and move them!  LOL  I really hope I can get the quilting done, but I'm not sure I will so it is not a goal.

To sum up:
1 - clip and wash denim rag quilt
2 - finish sailboat blocks
3 - baste great granny square quilt

I should be able to meet these goals!  I'm even thinking of maybe taking the sail boats with me and work on them at the hotel when my husband has his work conference in Dallas.  I don't really want to spend any money since we are moving in two months.  I'm sure they have some nice covered tables outside I can set up in, it's a great way to meet people because everyone stops to see what I'm doing!  LOL 

Have you set any goals for July?


P.S.  Did I mention all of these quilts have been made on either a hand crank or treadle?

A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Those machines do such a lovely job!! Skipped stitches was my sewing lament last week. I tried everything. The last attempt was to switch out the needle to a different size. Perhaps your problem with skipped stitches is as simple as that?

  2. I almost didn't see the kittens on the first quilt. LOL! You've been quite busy and have set some doable goals. I have tried setting monthly goals and just can't seem to stick to them, I have to do a week or even just a day at a time. My next goal to to pick a quilt to quilt for the fair!

  3. I am so impressed with your denim quilt! I have always wanted to make one, and have all the jeans just sitting here looking up at me!

  4. I love the denim quilt. You always use treadle or hand crank machines. I have many vintage machines, and I know sounds silly almost all of them thread differently. When I have skipped stitches it is usually I have a ton of gunk (lint, threads) caught under the bobbin, and I have threaded my machine wrong. Thank goodness I keep the manuals close by!

  5. The pink/orange quilt really came out quite well. The colors are so lively and pink would be a nice color to use. I hope you get the machine working quickly- have a wonderful holiday.

  6. I love that denim quilt! I want to make one someday!


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