Monday, July 15, 2013

Pat's awesome quilts

 My friend Pat has been quilting for over 50 years, so she has a lot of quilts to share!  The above quilt was designed by Pat and won first at the Houston quilt show a few years ago.  It was even featured in a magazine spread with the pattern!  It is hard to see in the picture, but it is a 3-D log cabin quilt with appliqued vines and flowers.
 Here is another version of a log cabin quilt, it is a version of the courthouse steps that she calls "dogs on the court house steps", What a great scrappy quilt!  Pat says " Courthouse Steps quilt is from a book by Mary Ellen Hopkins. It was tricky to piece, since each block shares two fabrics with each of the blocks around it. "

 I love the secondary design on this quilt.

 Don't you love the 3-D effect with these butterflies?  She fussy cut the butterflies from a piece of material and then appliqued them on.  What a magnificent twist on the churn dash, she called it another name, but I can't remember it.  She also designed this one!

 She saw a similar pattern for this quilt and made her own design that she drew out and then appliqued.  She says that she uses Wonder Under for her appliques.

 The quilt below is the one on the guest bed that we used.  I love the bright colors!
 Nothing like sleeping under a gorgeous quilt!
 I love the border!
 Of course Boy Cat matches the quilt perfectly!
Pat designed most of her quilts and she quilted most of them, although she says she's old enough now to let someone else do the quilting!  LOL  Most of her quilts from the past 10 - 15 years have been done on a treadle!
Her husband said that he loves to see the excitement on her face when she is designing and piecing a new quilt pattern.  Now that is a husband who "gets it"!

There is so much I could learn from her, I wish I lived closer!


Jeremiah 31:34  "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."


  1. Absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing today! She is truly gifted and you are truly blessed to call her friend.

  2. Those 3d quilts are simply amazing!

  3. The detail in the quilts is beautiful. A very talented friend!!

  4. Love the dress! New follower via gfc from Thursday Favortite Things Blog Hop! Would love to have you follow me back.


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