Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My move to MO

I am finally here!  Our move was not as smooth as we were hoping though.  Here is our dining room before we moved.
 We were supposed to leave at 7 am on Thursday, but were running behind.  We left at 4:30 pm and got there at 6:30 am.  We got up at 4:30 am on Thursday and did not go to bed until 8:45 pm on Friday night!  We slept until 9:15 Sat. morning we were so tired!  We are so thankful for good friends who helped us with the move!
It was stacked to the ceiling with boxes and the cats thought it was a great jungle gym!
I was working hard getting stuff packed and clean, but my husband did catch me checking my emails!
The cats love the cat carriers, they were "safety zones" for them in the midst of all of the chaos.
Pippi and Tiger would not come out of the carrier at the new house for a whole day!
This is Tiger at the old house trying to hide, but there was nothing left for him to hide behind!
Here's my sewing room.  It is extremely dirty, so it will need a good scrubbing in addition to setting it up.
Here is a picture taken to the side of my house, just as the sun was rising.

And here is a picture of my driveway  from the front porch.
The house is just a rental and not great, it needs a lot of cleaning and work, but it is just until I can find a house to buy.

I'm not always able to reply to your comments and still have not had a chance to read any blogs yet.  But hey, I have a great view and it is very peaceful.  I have a huge kitchen and living room!  

Talk to you soon!


  1. Welcome to your new house in MO!! Your view is really beautiful! Hope you have no trouble unpacking and organizing and that the kitties feel settled soon.

  2. With a view like that it'll feel like home in no time.

  3. Hope the settling in part goes smoothly and that you are cozy in your new place soon. Enjoy the beautiful view!!

  4. glad you arrived in Missouri safe and sound. I know you want to get everything in it's place as soon as possible but don't forget to get some rest too!

  5. looks like an adorable little house...hope the cleaning and the sorting goes quickly!

  6. Housemoving is such a huge undertaking but it looks like you moved to a beautiful location. I love your views. I hope you get settled in quickly and smoothly.

  7. Congratulations on getting through the move! The sewing room is nice, lots of light! This will be a great house once you get everything in place.

  8. Glad you arrived safetly. Wow the new sewing room is wonderful! All the light and it looks like such a nice huge space. Beautiful views too.

  9. I'm glad you move went smoothly! Have fun getting settled. You really have a beautiful view to enjoy!!

  10. Sounds like a great adventure for all of you.

  11. Welcome to Missouri! I live near St. Louis. I hope your new neighbors are warm and welcoming! :)

  12. Glad you got there safely. Hope you get settled in quickly and figure out the internet thing.

  13. I'm back again after going thru Feline Friday links - I hope the cats are getting along at the new house and everyone is out of their P.T.Us. LOL!


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