Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Prayer Quilt - Rail Fence

Hi everybody!

I have my sewing room almost ready to go, I just need to finish put the thread on the thread rack on the wall and put the belts on my treadles and I'm ready to sew!  Yeah!!
Just because every post needs a picture, here is Cupcake and Custard all curled up on Chris's office chair, they were disapointed when he took it to the office - LOL.

Tomorrow I am going to go to a quilting group at the local senior citizens center, they work together quilting people's quilts and the money they get for it goes back into the senior citizen's center,  What a great way to learn how to hand quilt!  I'm pretty excited, they showed me a picture of the quilt they are working on, the whole thing is bright colored embroidery and gorgeous!  I'll have to see if they will let me take a picture of it to share with ya'll!

I have a very dear friend who is going through a trial and needs a prayer quilt, she has some tough decisions to make and needs the Lord's guidance.  I have felt a burden of making her a quilt for a couple of months but with the move have not been able to act on that burden.

I would like to make her a rail fence quilt, if you could help make quilt blocks I would really appreciate it.  Just email me and I will send you my new MO address.  I would like the blocks by Dec. 21, I know it is a busy month with the holidays, but if you can just sew up a few blocks or even one block I would appreciate it!

The quilt will be red and white, I want the outside and middle strips red, with the second and fourth strips white.  I want to do five 2.5" inch strips for each block.   With 5 of the 2.5" strips sewn together the strip set will be 10.5" tall (if you use 1/4" seams).  So to make a square block you would cut the sewn strip set into 10.5" widths as well.  (Thank you Dorthy for helping me with the math!)  

Here is a video tutorial on making the blocks, she is using 4 strips instead 5 though making a different size block.   http://quiltingtutorials.com/all/fence-rail-quilting-block-beginner/

Here is a picture of a pretty red rail fence quilt from Creative Chicks.  http://creativechicksatplay.blogspot.com/2012/12/red-rail-fence-quilt.html

Here is another one:  http://www.alidiza.com/2010/10/building-my-street-cred.html

If you could help, I would really appreciate it!  Remember 2 1/2 inch strips, we are sewing five together, 3 red and 2 white,  then cutting them into 10 1/2 inch blocks.  The easiest way is to just get either a jelly roll or cut your strips the length of the fabric and sew them together and then cut them into your blocks.  Is that clear as mud?

Please make sure I have your email add. if you are not sure if you are a no reply blogger.  I have to check emails on my phone, but I'm not sure if people are getting my replies, so I will probably wait to answer your email until I go to the office with my husband next and have access to the internet.

I hope everything is going great on your end!



  1. I'd love to help you out! Just send me your addy.

  2. I would help out, can the red be prints or do they have to be solid? Is white on white ok? Do you have a photo of the block. Email me with address.

  3. That is a awesome quilt and looks like it would move along quickly. I'm not sure if I can help at the moment because my plate is pretty full, but will try to get a block or two made for you after Thanksgiving.
    I'll let you know.
    I am sure the prayer quilt will be beautiful and bring much comfort to your friend.

  4. Good morning Missy. I am so happy to help you. So glad to hear you are getting your sewing room back.

  5. Missy I can make a couple of blocks. I started digging through my scraps and I have enough to make 3 blocks if that is enough. Let me know and send me your addy.

  6. That's so thoughtful and kind of you to do this for your friend in need:) Hope all's going well for you in your new place!

  7. Oh, Missy, I'm traveling and sans sewing machine! I will check back mid-Dec. when I finally reach my destination, and if you still need more, I'll whip some up! Good luck! Such a sweet endeavor!


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