Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I pray you all have a blessed Christmas!
I have been wanting to start a Gingerbread village for years and found this church a couple of weeks ago, brand new at a thrift store, for $5!  The penguin was 50 cents.
I also found my first building for a Christmas village, a church, last week at another thrift store for $1.25!  My friend Cara and I did ceramics last week and of course I did a penguin, I have him caroling in front of the of the church.
I was only able to find a couple of my Christmas decorations in the storage room (we left a lot of stuff packed while we are looking for a home to buy).  I also put my small Nativity scene in front of the church.
Now if I could just keep Squeeky off the book shelf!
The cats have been bad, this morning my husband found the lights over the window chewed through!  Which means they do not work anymore!  Do you see the piece of garland Oreo is playing with that he chewed off the end?  Which is why I do not have a tree!
But of course Christmas is not about decorations and gifts, it is about our Lord's birthday!
Isaiah 9:6  "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

I do enjoy my Christmas socks though and really liked this picture someone shared on Facebook!
Did you know the Grinch uses a treadle to make his Santa suit?  Now, I do not do Santa, but I like his picture.  My husband said this is what I look like when I get busy sewing on my treadle.  LOL!  He says I need to train my cats to push the pedal for me!
Merry Christmas everyone!



  1. Merry Christmas, Missy! And wishing you many blessings in 2014:)

  2. Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year

  3. We cannot have a tree (inside) for the same reason -- I think we'll decorate one outside next year! The little buggers will be looking out the window wondering how they can get to it! Merry Christmas Missy!

  4. Naughty, naughty kitties!! I'm surprised none of my cats have ever messed with my trees. Squeaky likes to sit under the big one but I didn't put it up this year.


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