Monday, December 9, 2013

Rail Fence Blocks Tutorial.

Hi everybody!  How is everybody doing today?  I'm cold, but that's okay.  I decided to make a mini tute on how to make a rail fence block.  First, you cut strips the length of the width of your fabric.  Cut them 2 1/2 inches.
Tell Muffin to move, then take a red strip and a white strip and sew them together.

After you have two sets of red and white strips, you will sew them together and add another red strip to the end, giving you five strips sewn together.  I want all of my middle strips to be white.

 Lay your strip on the cutting table and trim the edge even.
 I found this great tape at Joann's, you can get it at quilting shops also.  It is made specifically for your rulers.  I used my 12 1/2 inch ruler and marked the ruler at the 10 1/2 mark because this will help me not to make mistakes when I am cutting!
 I cut my 10 1/2 inch blocks.  This is so much easier then cutting a lot of individual strips to sew into individual blocks.  I made 7, I should have been able to get 8 but for some reason one of my strips was like 1/2 inch too short!  I am going to keep the extra pieces though, and use them to make another prayer quilt.  I'm thinking a red and white postage stamp quilt.
 Counting my blocks, I have 28 blocks so far.
 I need 48 blocks to make an over sized throw.
 I am loving the red and white.  I need to pull out my tubs of material and look for some more red material so that all of my blocks do not look the same.
If you would like to help by sending some red and white rail fence quilt blocks for this prayer quilt, just leave me a comment and I will send you my physical mailing address.  I would like the blocks ASAP please so I can get this quilt made and sent out.  All extra blocks will goes toward another prayer quilt.
We finally got snow!
 Oreo loves the snow!  He likes to throw it everywhere!
 Custard likes it too, but I think it is more of her thinking she is getting away with something by being outside, she's such a trouble maker!  LOL
Ya'll have a wonderful day!


Proverbs 31:21  "She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet."

Isaiah 1:18  "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."


  1. It's coming along nicely. Thinking I might have to make one of these. Gives me a reason to buy more red!

  2. The red and white looks so neat especially with the snow in the background....brrrrr!! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  3. I have been wanting to try making a quilt and think this would be a good starter for me. Not too much to cut and looks good to me. Glad I found your blog so I can make this. Your tutorial inspired me. I like to try to make things in the winter that I might not start in warmer weather. I like to make something I haven't tried to keep me occupied thru the cold weather. We live in Western CO about 18 miles west of Grand Junction.
    We've been to Spokane a few times, spent a few days there one time waiting for a load, hubs was a trucker. We almost moved there but it didn't work out. I really liked it there, was there in winter also, pretty cold. lots of snow but not any colder than MT where we lived then.


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