Thursday, January 30, 2014

God's Quilt of life

I was thinking about my string quilt and how Chris had dared me to use whatever I pulled out of the basket, despite whether I wanted to or not.  Life is like that.  Wouldn't it be great if we could go through our days and everything match up and fit together perfectly?  That is not how life works however.
We have some days that are all bright and cheerful, the yellows and pinks of life, where everything is sunny.  Then we have some blues and purples thrown in, the bruises of life.  Next we have the greens and browns, the dirt and grass that represent new life, whether it be a baby or or someone giving their life over to God or even the flowers and trees that we enjoy in life.  God also gives us oranges and reds, which can be the fire that consumes our passions.  Whether our passions are our family, hobby, or serving God.  It does not have to be either - or, as long as God comes first we can still have our other fires simmering in the pot.
 We also have the greys and blacks.  Days that are dismal and we are sad.
Don't forget your white fabric, it is the most important color of all!  Isaiah 1:18  "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

God takes all of the colors  of our life and sews them together to make a quilt to keep us warm and protect us.  You can not be the quilt God wants you to be without accepting all the colors he has for your life.  Not every piece of fabric is the same, that is what makes us unique and strong, sewing all of those fabrics together.

Psalms 1:3  "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

Let God quilt your life together the way he sees fit and and accept whatever color he wants to add, you'll be surprised when you look back and see the quilt he has made with your life!


FYI - my life is nothing but one big crazy quilt!   LOL


  1. My problem is that sometimes I can't see the quilt pattern and feel like my life is just a pile if scraps. Ravi Zacharias' book, The grand Weaver, talks about how God uses all the threads to make a unique garment. I still long to see the pattern, though.

  2. Missy, I love this post! This is soooo true.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  3. I have never thought about life this way but it is so true. Thank you for sharing it with us. It really makes you stop and think about the bumps in the road.

  4. What a terrific analogy of God's tangible presence in our lives! Great post, Missy -- it will make cuddling up in your string quilt all the more special! :)

  5. Missy, I so needed your post today. It was one filled with some black fabric. I have to remember that the black fabrics on quilts makes the other colors so much brighter.


  6. that's a wonderful quilt, and the post is also!

  7. I'm struggling with this lately. I want to make changes and it feels as though the world is dragging its feet and resisting. God has a plan for me. I need to let go and appreciate the beautiful colors God is handing me. Thank you! I needed the reminder :)

  8. Very well said, this post reminded me of why I quilt, thanks for the beautiful reminder.

  9. Missy that was a wonderful post. Such a great analogy of life, and what God wants us to make of it. Thank you for such an inspiring read this morning. PS your quilt when you look at 4 of the blocks intersecting for some reason to my mind this morning reminded me of the God's eye weavings we did as kids with the 2 sticks and yarn.

  10. A pile of scraps can serve a purpose just like within our own lives. Thank you for this post and what a lovely quilt!

  11. Beautiful quilt. and there are so many colours in His love, it is such a blessing to find your blog, thank you.

  12. That was beautifuly said! Love the quilt! And the cats too!

  13. A beautiful analogy Missy! Nice to see the kids like the new quilt :) Can you have them talk to mine about getting along in close proximity?!

  14. Great quilt and great story beautifully done. The kitties look very content. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  15. Wonderful post and a beautiful quilt! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

    BTW... I'm also moved from Texas to Missouri! Where in Texas were you?

  16. I love this! God bless you for posting it.

  17. I am starting on some string blocks this week and like you it is an anything goes kind of quilt to use up scraps, I hope it turns out as nice as yours which is spectacular!


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